阳历的英文:Gregorian calendarsolar calendarsolar calender美式的用法为:sun solar参考例句:In the solar calendar, May the first is International Labor Day.阳历五月一日是国际劳动节。Today is her birthday according to the solar calendar.按照....
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杨树的英文:poplar参考例句:A poplar tree,especially a cottonwood.三角叶杨一种杨树,尤指三角叶杨This poplar has grown up a lot这棵杨树长高了许多。The poplar leaves rustled in the wind.杨树叶子被风吹得刷刷响。The palm and may make country ho...
阳泉的英文:(N) Yangquan (city in Shanxi)city是什么意思:n. 都市,城市;特许市;全市居民;伦敦商业区;充满...的地方the city of York约克特许市. beleaguer a city围攻一座城市 The cleanliness of European cities puts our cities to shame.欧洲各城...
杨桃汁的英文:Star fruit juicestar是什么意思:n. 星,恒星;星形物;星状物;星级;明星;星象v. (由某人)主演;为(某物)标上星号Are you a movie star?你是电影明星吗?This is a binary star.这是颗双子星。He starred his boat. 他在他的船体上用....
阳遂足的英文:serpent starserpent是什么意思:n. 蛇;狡猾的人He knows the wiles of the serpent.他知道阴险毒辣的人的种种诡计。They believed that the serpent was capable of fascinating its prey他们相信蛇具备蛊惑猎物的能力。Those who give you a...
佯装的英文:【法】 disguise; feint参考例句:She was sure his equanimity was fictitious她确信他的镇定是佯装的。disguise是什么意思:n. 伪装,用作伪装的东西;掩饰,假装 v. 掩饰,假装,隐瞒a master of disguise伪装的能手. Sir, you are truly a ma...
阳台的英文:balconyporch参考例句:The balcony juts out over the garden.阳台在花园上方突出来。A flower pot dropped from his balcony.一个花盆从他家阳台落下。The balcony juts out over the garden阳台突出在花园上方。The balcony juts out over the...
洋白菜汤的英文:cabbage soupcabbage是什么意思:n. 卷心菜,甘蓝菜Cabbage-pult shoot cabbages to enemies.卷心菜投掷机向敌人投掷卷心菜。Would you like cabbage or spinach?你喜欢甘蓝还是菠菜?I shredded the cabbage.我将包心菜切成碎片。Brussels s...
阳性的英文:mascclinemasculine参考例句:Either masculine or feminine in gender.阴性的或阳性的Vagina is masculine as well, while the word masculinity is feminine. 阴道也是阳性,而阳性这个词倒是阴性的。The blood tests were positive. 验血结果....
洋参炖甲鱼的英文:Stewed Turtle with American Ginsengstewed是什么意思:adj. 焦虑不安的,烂醉的They made a stew.他们做了一道炖菜。Highly charged emotions have you in a stew.高度紧张的情绪会让人陷入不安。She stewed prunes.她炖了李子。american...
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