吃回扣的英文:to take/receive/get kickbacktake是什么意思:v. 拿,取;带;获得;采取;承担;吃;耗费;乘,搭;以为;理解;走;抓住a catch; a take; a taking捕获量 take a nap; take a snooze小睡一下;睡午觉 take service with在¥帮佣 receive是什....
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吃货的英文:foodiefood loverfood aficionadoeating machinefoodie是什么意思:n.【俚】美食家,美食主义者,偏爱饮食的人,对饮食非常感兴趣的人,富裕的顾客food是什么意思:n. 食物,食品;养料Will this food keep?这食品能放得住吗?They are famishing...
吃紧的英文:be critical参考例句:Financially things are a bit tight.经济上有点吃紧。Another countermeasure has been selling to cash-strapped customers on credit.另一条对策是对那些现金吃紧的客户进行赊销。Alas, what is "tight" and "cheap" mon...
洋洋的英文:complacently; copious; numerous参考例句:They took us in, enfolded us in joyous camaraderie他们把我们领了进去,使我们融入了令人欣喜的暖意洋洋的气氛之中。Mr.Brown stretched his arms lazily.布朗先生洋洋地伸展胳臂。The poem continu...
洋溢的英文:brimming withsteeped in参考例句:To have a boundless supply;be superabundant.充满,洋溢源源不断地供应;洋溢,充满Popular songs which ooze optimism洋溢乐观主义的流行歌曲Show a lot of(energy,enthusiasm,etc);overflow with sth充满(活...
洋装的英文:Western style clothes参考例句:That dress is becoming to you.那件洋装适合你。The Boy cut my dress into little pieces.小男孩把我的洋装剪成碎片。Her new dress fits her like a glove.她的新洋装非常合身。She wore an illusion white dr...
Mistake and error mean something that is done incorrectly or wrong. Thus, they are synonyms. But the difference between these two words is in the context that they are used in.Mistake和error意味着某事做的不正确或错误。因此,它们是同义词。但...
仰慕的英文:adorationadore参考例句:To look up to your writing with admiration仰慕大作His noble character and sterling integrity are admired by people.他的高风亮节为人仰慕。I conceived the highest admiration for his talents and energy.我对....
The Oxford English Dictionary's word of the year is “toxic”. So that's depressing. But it's understandable as we seem to be living in toxic times. But just why did the Oxford English Dictionary choose “toxic” as 2018’s word of the year...
仰人鼻息的英文:[Literal Meaning]depend on/others/nose/breathto depend on somebody's whims and pleasures[解释]仰:依赖;息:呼吸时进出的气。比喻依赖别人,不能自主。[Explanation]to be slavishly dependent[例子]在清朝末年,政府非常惧怕西方的强...
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2016年7月公布的AFP试题——金融理财基础(一) 582 KB下载数 88 下 载
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