洋行的英文:foreign firmforeign是什么意思:adj. 外国的;不属于本身的;无关的;外交的;陌生的In the UK, there are the Foreign Office and Foreign Secretary.在英国,有外交部和外交大臣。custom of foreign trade.对外贸易惯例The guidebook is for t...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
吃喝的英文:dine and wineregale on参考例句:To engage in excessive or uncontrolled indulgence in food or drink.暴饮暴食在吃喝上过分或无节制放纵。I was too much exhausted to reflect upon this circumstance, but ate and drank with avidity我实....
吃白食的人的英文:freeloader参考例句:在美国,即使你住在亲戚家也不能白吃白喝。In America, even if you live with your relatives, you can't be freeloader. freeloader是什么意思:n. 不速之客,食客,吃白食的人参考例句: In America, even if you l...
洋货的英文:imported goods; foreign goodsimported是什么意思:v. 进口;意味着;输入,导入;有重大关系n. 重要性;进口;进口商品;输入;含义be of importance;matter有重要性;有关系 He is an important official in the government. 他是政府的要员。 ...
吃喝风的英文:dining and wining crazedining是什么意思:n. 进餐v. dine的现在分词形式Will you dine in or out this evening? 今晚你是在家吃饭还是出去吃?We usually dine in.我们通常在家吃饭。Go to the poolside dining area.去游泳池边的进餐区域。w...
吃不消的英文:be unable to stand (exertion, fatigue, etc.)参考例句:The meanness of anonymity gave a shuddering obscenity to the moment.这种匿名的卑鄙行为使他一时觉得下流得让人吃不消。A full-time job may be too much for her.全职工作她恐怕吃...
洋泾浜的英文:[Dialect] pidgin English参考例句:The doctor spoke some pidgin Vietnamese, and the nurse a smattering of highschool French.这位军医能讲几句洋泾浜的越南语,护士也能讲几句半生不熟的法语。dialect是什么意思:n. 方言;土语;地方话a...
吃皇粮的英文:receive salaries, subsidies, or other supported from the government参考例句:"To receive salaries,subsidies or other supported form the government"吃皇粮receive是什么意思:v. 收到;经受;接见,招待;接纳;回应;接收receive qua...
吃大锅饭的英文:egalitarian practice of 参考例句:Egalitarian practice of everybody eating form the same big pot吃大锅饭egalitarian是什么意思:a. 平等主义的n. 平等主义Egalitarian practice of everybody eating form the same big pot吃大锅饭But...
吃回扣的英文:to take/receive/get kickbacktake是什么意思:v. 拿,取;带;获得;采取;承担;吃;耗费;乘,搭;以为;理解;走;抓住a catch; a take; a taking捕获量 take a nap; take a snooze小睡一下;睡午觉 take service with在¥帮佣 receive是什....
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