懸念的英文:[Formal] to be concerned about (someone away)formal是什么意思:adj. 正式的;礼仪上的;有条理的;正规的;公开的 ;拘谨的You should recast the report in formal wording as it is a formal occasion.这是一个很郑重的场合,所以你的报告....
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
旋涡的英文:spirevolutionvortexvorticeswhirlwind参考例句:The canoe was sucked into the whirlpool.独木舟被卷入了旋涡。Subscripts Z and E are for zonal and eddy components respectively.下角标Z和E分别表示纬向分量和旋涡分量。The story begins w...
创造性步骤的英文:inventive stepinventive是什么意思:adj. 发明的,善于发明的,有创造力的,独出心裁的unity of invention发明的单一性 Fantastic! Who invented it?真不可思议!谁发明的? Necessity is the mother of invention穷则变,变则通Modern inv...
懸賞的英文:to offer (or post) a reward; to offer a bounty foroffer是什么意思:v. 给予,提供;试图;出价;提议;献祭n. 提供;报价;录用信offer (present)a gift赠送一件礼品 Assessment of offers and tenders.报盘与投标的估定。They declared for ...
旋转的英文:whirl参考例句:To turn laterally;swivel.横向旋转;旋转To impart torque to.使…旋转;附加旋转力于…Arc Rotate弧形旋转;旋转视图;圆形旋转Select and Rotate选择并旋转Rotate Canvas旋转画布The act of rotating or revolving rapidly.高速旋....
创造者的英文:creator参考例句:Human form is a creator, a creator of one's own destiny.人类是一个创造者,一个自己命运的创造者。 Creation supposes a creator.创造必须先有创造者。They not only handed down these songs, but made them up too.他们...
选别的英文:separateseparate是什么意思:v. (使)分离,分开;(使)分居adj. 单独的;分开的n. 分开的事物;选印本elbow separator弯头脱水器 But have you ever tried to separate or thought of separating? 可你们曾试图分居或考虑过分居吗? Every or...
旋转木马的英文:carrouselmerry-go-roundwhirligig参考例句:But that roundabout has stopped.但是,旋转木马已经停止。Children riding the merry-go-round.骑着旋转木马的孩子们。Ride a merry-go-round骑旋转木马Riding on a carousel makes you feel di...
创制的英文:contrive; create; formulate; institute参考例句:Inaugurate a new immigration policy.创制新的移民政策inaugurate a new immigration policy.See Synonyms at begin创制新的移民政策参见The bulk of American contract law is judge-made cas...
选材的英文:select material参考例句:High-class tonics are prepared from superior materials.上等补晶,选材精良。The furniture made of superior materials by this factory is strong and durable.该厂家具,选材精良,牢固耐用。The overriding cons...
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