悬纹的英文:suspension cablesuspension是什么意思:n. 暂停;停职;悬浮;悬架;悬浮液The conspicuous suspicious pension is in suspension.那笔引人注目的可疑养老金被暂停发放。Suspension of active hostilities;a truce.停火暂停敌对行为;停战 She a...
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创业史的英文:history of an undertakinghistory是什么意思:n. 历史学;历史;历史记录;经历;发展史;来历history of Libya利比亚历史 History is contingent.历史是偶然的。The history of liberty is a history of the limitation of government power....
悬移泥沙的英文:silt suspensionsilt是什么意思:n. 淤泥vt. 使淤塞vi. 淤塞The riverbed is silted up, so there's no outlet for the floodwater.河道淤塞,洪水无出路。Mud and silt have been continuously deposited in the lake.泥沙不停地淤积在这湖....
创业园的英文:high-tech business incubator参考例句:Pioneer Park;Hi-tech business incubator创业园high是什么意思:adj. 高的;海拔很高的;上层的;高尚的;十分赞同的;全盛的;有醉意的n. 高水平,高气压,快感adv. 在高处,音调高,(成本、价值)高...
悬移质泥沙的英文:sediment in suspensionsediment是什么意思:n. 沉淀物;沉积物,沉渣not made opaque or cloudy by sediment.没有被沉淀物弄得不透明或者混浊。 The sediments are characteristically very fossiliferous沉积物的特征是含化石很多。Measu...
创业者的英文:entrepreneur参考例句:If you are an entrepreneur in need of venture capital, and your start-up company meets the conditions above, "如果作为一个创业者,您正在寻找风险投资,并且您的创业企业符合我们的投资理念entrepreneur是什么意思...
悬运的英文:suspensionsuspension是什么意思:n. 暂停;停职;悬浮;悬架;悬浮液The conspicuous suspicious pension is in suspension.那笔引人注目的可疑养老金被暂停发放。Suspension of active hostilities;a truce.停火暂停敌对行为;停战 She appeale...
创意的英文:originality参考例句:Modern furniture, a splendid creation.新式家具,辉煌创意。A slavish copy of the original.缺乏创意的仿制品Ingeniously devised or thought out.创新的想法或构思有创意的A person can only develop his potentials to...
旋风的英文:whirlwind参考例句:X-Bladez Inline Skater旋风直派轮溜冰M&M''s Blast!M&M''s巧克力旋风This control requires knowledge of attrition kinetics and cyclone effectiveness这种控制要求颗粒磨损动力学和旋风分离器效率的知识。To kidnap Sanza...
创造的英文:createbring aboutproduce参考例句:coin a sentence创造句子 Creative evolution创造进化论Invent(a new word or phrase)创造(新词语)Time works wonders时间可以创造奇迹The psychic energy exploded in a flash of creation.心灵的能量在一种....
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