垂体的英文:pituitary参考例句:Of or relating to the pituitary gland.垂体的垂体的,与垂体有关的pituitary prolactinoma垂体催乳素腺瘤diseases of anterior pituitary垂体前叶疾病Hormone secretion is controlled by the pituitary gland.荷尔蒙的分泌...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
垂足的英文:pedalpedal是什么意思:n. 脚蹬子;踏板v. 骑自行车;踩踏板The pedal of a cycle is attached to a crank.自行车的踏板与曲柄相连。The brake(pedal)is between the clutch and the accelerator.制动器(踏板)在离合器和加速器之间.The pedal had...
垂头丧气的英文:[Literal Meaning] hang/head/depressedto be dejected because of failure lose one's spiritswith the tail between the legs[解释] 因失败或不顺利而情绪低落的样子。[Explanation] very disappointed/dejected[例子] 知道自己第三次没有....
捶背的英文:to pound somebody's back (as in massage)参考例句:To massage the back and allay pain捶背止痛pound是什么意思:n. 英镑;磅;违章停车车辆扣留场;宠物收留所v. 连续猛击;咚咚地走;心脏狂跳;捣碎;狂轰滥炸;大声播放Penny wise and poun...
垂危的英文:in danger参考例句:The aspect of the nation is in imminent danger国势垂危A hospice for the terminally ill收治垂危患者的医院.It was put about that he was dying.谣传他已垂危。(of a disease,etc)make sb unable to lead an active life...
锤炼的英文:hammer-harden参考例句:Shaped by hammering with tools.Used chiefly of metals or metalwork.锻造的用工具锤炼而成形的。常用于金属或金属制品Work on your charm, considerateness for others and keeping your appearance in good shape.锤....
垂涎的英文:covetdroolingslabberslaverslobberslobberingsalivate over参考例句:To lick one's lips咂咂嘴唇(表示垂涎或满意)The airline has been smacking its lips over the prospect of a $145 million windfall.这家航空公司一直垂涎得到一笔1.45亿美...
垂涎三尺的英文:[Literal Meaning] hang/saliva/three/footOne's saliva droops as long as three feet.[解释] 流出的口水有三尺长。形容嘴馋或者贪婪。[Explanation] gluttonous or greedy[例子] 文物贩子早就对他家里那件商朝青铜器垂涎三尺了。[Example] ...
锤子的英文:sinker参考例句:Who have a hammer?谁有锤子?He bruise his finger with a hammer. 他的手指被锤子击伤。 Hand me the hammer.把锤子递给我。He hit it with a hammer.他用锤子砸.Put the hammer into the tool box, please.请把锤子放入工具箱....
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