宣扬的英文:make publicmake well known参考例句:Preached tolerance and peaceful coexistence.宣扬容忍及和平共处Don't spread the closet information around.别到处宣扬机密。(said eg to a blackmailer)make your accusation public if you like;I ref...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
宣战的英文:dig up the hatchet参考例句:He declared war on the government and urged right-wingers to eliminate their opponents.他向政府宣战,并煽动右翼分子干掉他们的对手。The United States of america declared war against Iraq美利坚合众国向....
玄虚的英文:deceitful trick; mystery参考例句:At 70 plus, [he] is old enough to Be metaphysical在七十岁的年龄,[他]已经老得足以在那倚老卖老、谈弄玄虚了deceitful是什么意思:adj. 骗人的,虚伪的Appearances are deceitful人不可貌相,海水不可斗量S...
垂暮之年的英文:in old age参考例句:They have been able to keep on cheerfully plotting their holocausts right into their senescence.他们都还能津津有味地继续策划他们的大暴动,直至他们的垂暮之年。Six months ago, in the twilight of her life, t...
垂直兼并的英文:vertical mergervertical是什么意思:n. 垂直线;垂直位置adj. 竖的;垂直的;直立的;纵向的vertical integration.包括从生产到销售各个阶段的纵向联合。Apeak: In a vertical or almost vertical position or direction.垂直着(的);竖立着(...
垂青的英文:show appreciation for sb.参考例句:You ought to have married an icebox—that’s the only thing in this house you’re really attentive to.你只应娶个冰箱——这是这个房子里头唯一得到你垂青的东西。He is out of favour with the boss.....
垂直扩张的英文:vertical sprawl(指无计划地在相对较小的地方建造很多高楼,从而导致交通拥堵、停车难、基础设施匮乏) 参考例句:Managing vertical sprawl is as big a challenge as urban sprawl.规划垂直扩张与城市扩张是同样大的挑战。vertical是什么....
垂死的英文:dying参考例句:The sunken eyes of the dying man那垂死男子的凹陷的眼睛.Imperialism is monopolistic, parasitic and moribund capitalism.帝国主义是垄断的、寄生的、垂死的资本主义。Swisher doesn’t go much beyond this familiar saga to...
垂直于的英文:be normal to ;perpendicular to参考例句:The vertical displacement ??1mm is normal to the bars ab and BC and hence does not affect their length竖向位移?牛?mm垂直于ab和BC,故不影响它们的长度。The plumB line is always perpendicul...
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