雌绵羊的英文:eweewe是什么意思:n. 母羊This feed is of special value in steaming up the ewes as they come to lambing这种饲料对即将产羔的母羊补充营养很有用。All it took was that first headline about the astonishing ewe, and fertility experts...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
磁感应的英文:magnetic induction参考例句:The residual magnetism that remains on magnetic storage media after degaussing经消磁后,磁介质上残留的磁感应。magnetic是什么意思:adj. 磁的,有磁性的;富有吸引力的,有魅力的A magnet derives its magne...
磁化的英文:magnetizationmagnetizing参考例句:The anomaly from any buried magnetized feature is attenuated in amplitude and spread out over a wide area任何埋藏磁化体产生的异常幅度会减小,分布范围就要扩大。A flat circular plate with a magnet...
锈钉的英文:Rusty Nailrusty是什么意思:a. 1.生锈的 2.荒疏的I truly never minded caring for Rusty.我真的从不介意照顾拉斯蒂。My German,tennis,singing is rather rusty.我久未练习,德语、网球、 唱歌水平低了很多.My typing was better than it is now...
须要的英文:musthave to参考例句:Alas, I must ask you to be patient, sir.唉,我必须要要求你有点耐心,长官。They have got to abide by the rules.他们必须要遵守规定。This dirty floor wants a scrub.这地板脏了,须要擦洗一下。The sliver must ther...
磁化水的英文:magnetic watermagnetic是什么意思:adj. 磁的,有磁性的;富有吸引力的,有魅力的A magnet derives its magnetism from the motions of electrons of atoms within the magnet.磁体的磁性是从它内部原子中的电子运动而来的。The magnetic stat...
嗅觉的英文:sense of smell参考例句:A Bears keen scent.熊的敏锐嗅觉Having or characterized by a well-developed sense of smell.嗅觉灵敏的嗅觉灵敏的或以有嗅觉灵敏为特征的 This dog has a wonderfully good nose.这只狗嗅觉特灵。 A dog has a good ...
须臾的英文:erelong参考例句:Soon they had finished their tea and sat down to a collation of choice wine and delicacies.须臾茶毕,早已设下杯盘,那美酒佳肴自不必说。erelong是什么意思:v. 不久;须臾 ......
磁极的英文:magnetic polepole参考例句:A magnetic compass Bearing.可分辨磁极方向的罗盘When the two diffierent magnetic pole crowds, a force will make them separate.当不同磁极挤到一起,一股力量使它们分开。A distinction between positive(north...
溴化钾的英文:potassium bromidepotassium是什么意思:n. 钾Pomelo is rich in potassium, vitaminC and folate. 柚子含有丰富的钾、维他命C和叶酸。In addition, bananas are also rich of potassium.除此之外,香蕉还富含钾。Fertilizer consisting of sod...
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