发布时间:2019-02-28 10:56 来源:环球网校
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beautiful hair
- A warm and humid climate and sufficient sunshine give Yamei girls a vigorous and graceful body and pitch-black hair.
暖湿的海洋气候和充足的阳光照射下,雅美少女们体质健美,都有一头乌黑的秀发 - Her hair hung down on her shoulders (over her ears).
她的秀发披在肩上。 - Her hair fell over her shoulders.
一头秀发垂落在她肩头。 - The sea air robbed her hair of its softness.
海风使她的秀发不再柔滑。 - Her beautiful hair is flowing in the wind.
她的满头秀发随风飘曳。 - Application of the anti-dandruff shampoo will make your hair elegant and attractive.
去头屑洗发精,让您的秀发飘逸动人。 - All her beautiful tresses have been sheared/shorn off.
她那长长的秀发都给剪掉了. - This kind of shampoo can give you a feeling of redoubled comfort.
这种洗发水,令您的秀发倍感舒适。 - The women have lustrous cascades of black hair.
那些女子拥有瀑布般乌黑亮泽的秀发。 - Tjessem Hoiby, a tall blonde with classic Scandinavian good looks, has been working to learn more about her royal role.
梅特-马里特-霍伊比身材修长,一头金黄色秀发,是个典型的斯堪的纳维亚美女。 她正在加紧学习,扮演好皇室成员的角色。
adj. 美丽的;完美的;优雅的
n. 美
int. 太好了
- And of course, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”
当然,我们每个人的审美观都有所不同。 - A beautiful view greeted us.
美丽的景色呈现在我们面前。 - The beauty of Dunhuang is unique in the world.
敦煌的美在世界上是独一无二的。 - Beauty is potent; But money is omnipotent
美丽是有力量的,但金钱更有权威 - Beauty is but skin deep.
n. 毛发;头发;些微
- This hair conditioner is excellent for revitalizing dry, lifeless hair.
这种护发素能够非常有效地修复干枯的头发。 - The flowers in their hair are pale and faded.
她们发上的花朵已经褪色枯萎了。 - Her hair is naturally crisp.
她头发是天热卷的。 - They bobbed their hair to be in style.
她们剪了赶时髦的短发式。 - She has sleek black hair.
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