发布时间:2019-02-28 10:35 来源:环球网校
点击量: 669
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magnet; magnetite
- She can magnetise a theatre audience.
她能像磁石般吸引剧院观众。 - Over 4000 years ago, the laboring people of ancient China noticed the attracting property of the natural magnet
四千多年前,中国古代的劳动人民就注意到了天然磁石的吸引性质。 - A piece of magnetite that has magnetic properties and attracts iron or steel.
n. 磁铁,磁石;磁体;有吸引力之人、物或地方
- A magnet derives its magnetism from the motions of electrons of atoms within the magnet.
磁体的磁性是从它内部原子中的电子运动而来的。 - The magnetic state of a bar magnet or a horseshoe magnet is extremely complicated
条形磁铁或马蹄形磁铁的磁态是极其复杂的。 - This is a magnetic storage in which the magnetic medium consists of magnetic cores.
这是一种用磁心作为磁性媒体的一种磁性存储器。 - Magnetic particle testing/magnetic particle examination
磁粉检测 - magnetic tape transport
n. 磁铁矿
- The country is level and it is not easy to follow the magnetite seams continuously
地面是水平的,不容易连续地追踪此矿层。 - A piece of magnetite that has magnetic properties and attracts iron or steel.
天然磁石有磁性的磁铁矿,能吸引铁或钢。 - Scientists had long thought that no animal could manufacture magnetite
长期以来科学家们一直认为没有动物可在体内合成磁性物质。 - At pegmatite contacts the composition changes to chalcopyrite, millerite, pyrite, and violarite accompanied by magnetite and hematite
在伟晶岩接触带,硫化物成分变为黄铜矿、针镍矿、黄铁矿及硫镍铁矿,伴生有磁铁矿和赤铁矿。 - The interstitial net and aggregates may be of solid sulfide but most contain magnetite and silicate in widely varying proportions
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