搓碎的的英文:gratedgrated是什么意思:搓碎的grating satellite光栅“伴线” The trees afford grateful shade.这些树提供了宜人的纳凉之所。The dependents are grateful for outside help.受援助者特别感激外界的帮助。To scrape harshly; grate.刮用力地...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
信息对称的英文:symmetry of informationsymmetry是什么意思:n. 对称(性);匀称Symmetry and balance对称和平衡 I feel the delicate symmetry of a leaf. 我感触到一片树叶的完美的对称性。The kite is a tetragon with one line of symmetry.风筝是个....
磋商的英文:consultdiscuss seriouslynegotiateconfernegotiationsconsultations参考例句:Negotiating in bad faith under the pretext of concluding a contract.假借订立合同,恶意进行磋商。Transact business over the phone;transacting trade agreeme...
存款保证金的英文:guaranty money for depositsguaranty是什么意思:n. 保证,保证书,担保物,抵押物v. 保证,抵押,担保In the contract the parties may agree to provide a guaranty. The guarantor shall be held liable within the agreed scope of gu...
撮合的英文:make a match参考例句:Fix someone up; organize someone with撮合;选定;决定He had gone between them very often during the courtship求婚的时候他还时常替他们撮合呢。I think Xixi and Macaulay would make a perfect couple. Let's fix th...
存款回单的英文:deposit receipt参考例句:Deposit receipt存款回单deposit是什么意思:v. 放置;放下;付定金n. 订金;订钱;押金;沉积物To deposit in or as if in a bank.存钱把钱存入或似乎存入银行 deposited matter沉积物|沉淀物 amount deposited存....
挫败的英文:thwartdefeatfoil (someone's plans, etc)参考例句:To frustrate or thwart.使受挫;使挫败 thwart the enemy's conspiracy挫败敌人的阴谋Nothing daunted the ardour of the merchant navy任何困难都不能挫败商船船员的锐气。He crouched there...
存款收据的英文:deposit receiptdeposit是什么意思:v. 放置;放下;付定金n. 订金;订钱;押金;沉积物To deposit in or as if in a bank.存钱把钱存入或似乎存入银行 deposited matter沉积物|沉淀物 amount deposited存款金额 depositing dock沉降船坞 The...
挫伤的英文:contusecontusionsprainwork off参考例句:unbroken morale未被挫伤的士气Blunt injury to the chest may also result in myocardial contusion钝性胸部伤也能造成心肌挫伤。Contuse.To injure without breaking the skin; bruise.未划破皮肤地伤...
存款准备金的英文:1. reserves against depositreserves是什么意思:n. [reserve] 的复数形式;储量,准备金v. [reserve] 的第三人称单数形式;储备,保留,预定reserve decision推迟判决For example,hotel reservation,ticket reservation,restaurant reser...
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