错过的英文:miss let slip参考例句:You can't miss Washington Square Park.您不会错过华盛顿广场公园的。A rabid football fan never loses any match.狂热的足球迷不会错过任何一场赛事。Set aside a day for the mustsee spectacle of Milford Sound in ...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
错觉的英文:delusionillusionillusiveness参考例句:An erroneous perception of reality.错觉,假象对现实错误的看法Horizontal-vertical illusion横竖错觉(心理学)It is and illusion that youth is happy, an illusion of those who have lost it以为青春...
错开的英文:staggerstaggered参考例句:To stagger office hours错开办公时间This is probably the result of slippage of cells alongside each other这可能是由于彼此相依的肌细胞错开。Place(sth)in a zigzag or alternating arrangement交错安排(某事物)...
错流萃取的英文:cross current solvent extractioncross是什么意思:n. [C]1.十字形,十字形记号2.十字架3.(常大写)基督教[the Cross]4.(教徒)画十字的动作5.十字形装饰物,十字勋章6.混合物,杂交,杂种(+between)7.磨难,苦难v.[T]1.越过,渡过2.使交....
错乱的英文:unbalanceunreason参考例句:Mental disorder (derangement)精神错乱A raving maniac精神错乱的狂人maniacal alienation躁狂性精神错乱 Somewhat demented or mentally unbalanced.有些疯狂的或精神错乱的To cause to become mentally deranged o...
错落的英文:strew at random参考例句:Behind us the high mountains we had emerged from showed their crumbled peaks and prehistoric spines在我们身后,翻越过的高山古色苍茫,呈现出一幅错落的山峦轮廓。The understated melody, the fluid rhythmical...
信任的英文:trusthave confidence inbelieve in参考例句:He practiced Guanxi, a Chinese term that conveys trust and mutuality.他运用“关系”,一个传达信任和互利的中文名词。Not suspicious;trusting.没有疑心的;信任的The workstation does not have...
信任背摔的英文:trust falltrust是什么意思:n. 信任,信赖;责任;信托;照管;托拉斯;信托基金机构v. 信任,信赖;确信;依赖;期待;盼望;赊给;托付;对…有信心;对…放心In trust as an escrow.根据协议由第三者暂为保管 It is an equal failing to ...
信息安全的英文:information security参考例句:micro - electronics and information security techniques微电子和信息安全技术You have requested a secure document that contains some insecure information.您已经请求了一个包含某些不安全信息的安全文...
如何通过自我练习方法,有效提高雅思整体水平,取得雅思考试好成绩呢?下面小编同大家一起分享一些前人的经验,希望各位同学能够取得心仪的好成绩! 雅思口语进阶法:从句式入手>> 雅思阅读:9段进阶策略>> 语法是雅...
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