常州的英文:(N) Changzhou (city in Jiangsu)city是什么意思:n. 都市,城市;特许市;全市居民;伦敦商业区;充满...的地方the city of York约克特许市. beleaguer a city围攻一座城市 The cleanliness of European cities puts our cities to shame.欧洲各...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
常务副省长的英文:1. executive vice governorexecutive是什么意思:adj. 有执行权的;实施的;行政的n. 主管;行政官;行政部门They executed a spy.他们处死了一个间谍。But will it do execution?但它能奏效吗?the execution of steps 舞步表演 vice是什...
常驻的英文:residentpermanent (representative)参考例句:a permanent diplomatic mission常驻外交使团 Youth remaining permanently青春常驻They are all resident population of the town. 他们都是该城的常驻居民。Permanent representatives of twenty-...
常务委员的英文:1.a member of the standing committeemember是什么意思:n. 成员;分子;身体部位;下院议员Private member( member of the House of Commons who is not a minister)普通议员(下议院中非内阁成员者).The gap would be mold of the member. ...
常驻记者的英文:resident correspondentresident是什么意思:n. 居民;住院医生;留鸟 adj. 居住的;住校(院)的;无迁徙习性的;固有的resident anxieties.内在的焦虑 They reside abroad.他们居住在国外。I'm not a resident here.我不是本地居民。There ...
常务委员会委员的英文:Members of the NPC Standing Committee参考例句:Members of the Standing Committee of the Political bureau二、中央政治局常务委员会委员members是什么意思:n. 成员;分子;身体部位;下院议员Private member( member of the Hous...
常驻人员的英文:permanent personnel (attached to resident institutions)permanent是什么意思:adj. 永久的,永恒的,长久的,长期的It is unchangeable and permanent.这是持久不变的。a permanent diplomatic mission常驻外交使团 There is nothing perm...
常用的英文:in common usage参考例句:Current Email常用电子邮箱Flemish knot水手常用的字形绳结I often use herbal remedies.我常用草药治病.Words fall off by disuse词汇不常用就见废。The beverage is often colored with caramel.这种饮料常用焦糖染色...
偿付的英文:in payment ofliquidateliquidationsettlement参考例句:A priority of payment given to one or more creditors by an insolvent debtor.优先偿付由破产负债人给予一个或多个债权人的优先偿付。There followed a long - drawn - out legal tussl...
常用词语的英文:everyday expressionseveryday是什么意思:adj. 每天的;日常的He doesnt shave everyday.他并不每天刮脸。They hone their skills in their everyday lives.他们在日常生活中磨炼才能。 The poet metamorphoses the everyday into the unive...
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