常见的论点的英文:stock argumentstock是什么意思:n. 股票,股份;库存;血统;树干;家畜v. 囤积,备有,进货,办货adj. 库存的;常备的Dividends for preferred stock underlie those of common stock.优先股比普通股享有优先分红权He gambles on the sto...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
尝试的英文:tryattempt参考例句:A futile attempt无效的尝试The futility of their attempts他们的尝试无效Will you give it a shot?你想做尝试吗? We persuade him to try again. 我们劝他再度尝试。The company's first foray into the computer market....
厂方的英文:management; management personnel参考例句:The purchaser of this automobile is protected by the manufacturer's warranty这辆汽车的买主可以得到厂方保单。The management huddled up a treaty.厂方仓促拟出一项条约。The purchaser of this...
常量的英文:constConstants参考例句:Excess sugar in the urine,often associated with diabetes mellitus.糖尿尿中反常量的糖,常与糖尿病有关In music theory, macroanalysis is a method of transcribing.在乐理中,常量分析是采谱的方法。Formal expres...
常备的英文:standing (said of army, navy)参考例句:Stock sizes常备的尺码Usually kept in stock and regularly available通常备有现货的;常备的Repertoire company拥有大量常备剧目的剧团Canned varieties of beans and pulses are a good standby.各种豆...
肠胃病的英文:intestinal tract diseaseintestinal是什么意思:adj. 肠的Food pass from the stomach to the small intestine and from there to the large intestine.食物由胃进入小肠再进入大肠。Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and ...
常年的英文:perennialyear in year outaverage year参考例句:He persists in physical training all the year round.他常年坚持体育锻炼。This wine cellar stays at an even temperature all year round.这个酒窖常年保持恒温.In general ,Scotland is col...
常常的英文:frequentlyusuallyoften参考例句:He regularly neglects brushing his teeth before going to bed.他常常忘记睡前刷牙。Doctors used to bleed people when they were ill.从前医生常常给病人放血.Animals with rabies often froth at the mouth...
肠胃不好的英文:to suffer from indigestionsuffer是什么意思:v. 受痛苦;变糟;遭受;经历They account them as suffering deservedly whatever they suffer他们认为他们是理所当然地应受一切应受的苦。The roses are suffering from fungus.玫瑰花得了真....
仪表堂堂的英文:dignified in appearance参考例句:He was a Tallish, handsomish man in pretty fine clothes他身材很高,仪表堂堂,衣着讲究。He was an imposing man.他仪表堂堂。Stephen seated himself noiselessly before the princely presence斯蒂芬...
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