医院的英文:hospital参考例句:a proprietary hospital.一家私人医院He performs the surgical operations at the Red Cross Hospital他在红十字会医院施外科手术。Medical care in those hospitals is rather spotty.那些医院的医疗质量参差不齐。Patient s...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
常设的英文:standing; permanent参考例句:Permanent Court of arbitration (the Hague)海牙仲裁常设委员会Permanent Court of arBitration常设国际仲裁法庭A standing Appellate Body shall be established by the DSB1.DSB应设立一常设上诉机构。The chan...
依法治国和以德治国的英文:the rule of law and the rule of virtue.rule是什么意思:n. 规则;惯例;统治v. 控制,影响;规定;统治rule of detachment分离规则 commutation rule交换法则 This is what ruling is!这就是统治的意义!law是什么意思:n. 法律...
医院骑士团的英文:Knights Hospitaller (also known as the Order of Hospitallers or simply Hospitallers)医院骑士团全称是“耶路撒冷圣约翰医院骑士团”,又被称为圣约翰骑士团,成立于1099年,最初是由法国贵族Gerard和几名同伴在耶路撒冷的施洗者圣约翰...
常识的英文:common sensegeneral knowledge参考例句:People suffering from amnesia don't forget their general knowledge of objects. 患有失忆症的人不会忘记他们对物品的常识。 Common sense, or intuition, or self-evident truths derives from man'...
依附的英文:adherehang on the skirt of参考例句:There is no other team with the privilege to have such a deep symbiosis with a basketball genius.从没有任何一个球队与一个篮球天才保持着如此深的特殊依附关系。To be close to influential powers依...
医治的英文:(v) treat a sickness参考例句:a treatable disorder.可以医治的疾病Advances in medical science also allow us to deal with new diseases. Such as SARS.医学的进步使我们可以医治新的疾病。例如“非典”。As a healer of the spirit I have ...
常事的英文:commonplacedaily occurrencesordinary参考例句:A student failing to keep up with his teacher is not an unusual event.学生跟不上老师教课的节奏本是常事。It is common for Angelenos to spend two hours commuting to work and school eve...
常年潮湿沼泽地的英文:nadnad是什么意思:常年潮湿沼泽地Oxaloacetate is formed in the last step of the citric acid cycle by the NAD+-dependent oxidation of L-malate.草酰乙酸在三羧酸循环的最后一步通过NAD+-依赖的L-苹果酸的氧化来合成。X-ray exam...
依波拉病毒的英文:EBO,Ebola virusebola是什么意思: [微]埃博拉病毒In early1996some villagers in Gabon die after they eat a gorilla infect with ebola.一九九六年初,一些加彭共和国的村民因吃了感染伊波拉病毒的大猩猩而死亡。Mad cow is the creepie...
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