成都的英文:Chengdu (city)参考例句:It 's the express No. 163 for Chengdu.这是去成都的163次直快Recently we have made investment in a company in Chengdu.最近我们在成都也投资了一家公司。I'd like to book a berth on Train 15 for Chengdu tomorro...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
冶炼厂的英文:smelterysmeltry参考例句:The Balaklala smelter was finally shut down in July, 1911巴拉克拉拉冶炼厂于1911年7月终于停产关闭。Lead smelters may use almost entirely scrap automotive storage batteries as their essential lead supply...
成功率的英文:mission success rate参考例句:The steel traps succeed 95 % of the time.钢制的捕鼠夹有95%的成功率。Their success rate is an acceptable 65%.他们的成功率是65%,这个概率是可以接受的。They maintained an unbelievably high batting a...
成端电缆的英文:formed cableformed是什么意思:n. 形状;种类;形态,形式;状态;表格v. 形成,产生;组织;塑造;排队Conglomerate:To form or cause to form into an adhering or rounded mass.使聚集成块:形成或使形成紧贴在一起或圆形的块体.Tranquill...
野餐的英文:picnic参考例句:go for a picnic去野餐Go on a picnic;go on an outing去野餐It's pouring with rain,so I'm afraid our picnic's gone for a burton.下起了瓢泼大雨,我们的野餐恐怕要吹了.The boys played a sly joke on their friends by pret...
成功人士的英文:successful personagesuccessful peoplehigh-flyer参考例句:It has been esteemed a must-read news and management magazine for successful people.它是一本成功人士必读的管理类杂志。this pink - faced rotund specimen of prosperity(G...
成堆的英文:stacked参考例句:There are clouds of flies around the meat stall in the market .市场肉摊上苍蝇成堆。The farmer was pleased to see his piles of corns on the cob.农夫很高兴地看着成堆的玉米。Heap or pile of objects;group of people....
成功学的英文:success sciencescience of successpsychology encouragesuccess是什么意思:n. 成功;成就;胜利;成功者,成功的事迹You will be successful if you abide by the principle of success.It is subjacent to success.这是成功的基础。result i...
成功者的英文:achiever success参考例句:Success has many friends.成功者朋友多。Person who is successful by being energetic and ambitious有干劲和雄心的成功者Almost all winners will exhale a sigh of his agonizing story when he recollect his p...
成功之路的英文:fastrack参考例句:A good education can be the gateway to success.良好的教育是通往成功之路。Hard work is the gateway to success辛勤工作是通往成功之路。Diligence is the gate to success.勤奋是迈向成功之路。Confidence in yoursel...