养生的英文:preserve one's health参考例句:Whatever regimen has been prescribed should be rigorously followed.不管制订的是什么样的养生计划,都要严格遵守。Under such a regimen you'll certainly live long你这样的养生一定可以长寿。Laughing make...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
城镇土地使用税的英文:city and town land use taxcity是什么意思:n. 都市,城市;特许市;全市居民;伦敦商业区;充满...的地方the city of York约克特许市. beleaguer a city围攻一座城市 The cleanliness of European cities puts our cities to shame.....
氧吧的英文:1. oxygen bar (a newly popular Japanese type of bar at which customers pay to breath oxygen to reach a euphoric state)oxygen是什么意思:n. 氧,氧气To expose(a tissue) to oxygen, as in the oxygenation of the blood by respiration....
养性的英文:cultivationof temperament参考例句:To promote conduct and practise ethics养性修身To purify the heart and cultivate culture清心养性temperament是什么意思:n. 气质,性质,性情He is excitable by temperament. =He has an excitable tem...
城镇职工医疗保险制度的英文:The system of medical insurance for urban workerssystem是什么意思:n. 体系,系统;设备;制度;方法;身体;次序Is the system unstable?是系统不稳定吗?It was not a perfect system.它不是一个完美的系统。This is a sex...
城镇化的英文:urbanization参考例句:The central region should cultivate new economic growth points and speeding up industrialization and urbanization.加快工业化和城镇化进程。Make the rural economy flourish and speed up urbanization.全面繁荣...
养眼花瓶的英文:eye candy(指代在视觉上颇具吸引力的人或者能够吸引人眼球的视觉效果)eye是什么意思:n. 眼睛;视力;眼光;见解,观点v. 注视,细看An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth以眼还眼,以牙还牙It is a mere coincidence that they see e...
城镇职工医疗保险制度改革的英文:medical insurance for urban workersmedical是什么意思:adj. 医学的;内科的;医药的n. 体格检查;医生all original medical receipts and medical reports for medical claims所有医疗收据和报告之正本The effect of the ...
城镇化改革的英文:urbanization reformurbanization是什么意思:n. 都市化Urban life brought urban refinements: newspapers and periodicals, libraries, clubs and societies. 都市生活带来了都市的文化享受:报纸、杂志、图书馆、俱乐部、社交团体。 Urb...
城镇住房公积金的英文:urban housing provident fund参考例句:Public accumulation funds for urban housing城镇住房公积金urban是什么意思:adj. 城市的;住在都市的;具有城市特征的Urban life brought urban refinements: newspapers and periodicals, l...