眼镜店的英文:eyeglasses store参考例句:If you're passing the optician's this morning, would you mind dropping in and enquiring for my new specs?如果你上午经过那家眼镜店,你不介意进去问问我的新眼镜配好了吗?eyeglasses是什么意思:n. 眼镜The o...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
冲服的英文:take medicine with watertake是什么意思:v. 拿,取;带;获得;采取;承担;吃;耗费;乘,搭;以为;理解;走;抓住a catch; a take; a taking捕获量 take a nap; take a snooze小睡一下;睡午觉 take service with在¥帮佣 medicine是什么意思...
冲抵预付款的英文:offset bargain moneyoffset是什么意思:n. 抵销,支派,旁支,平版印刷v. 弥补,抵销Web offset: Web press using the offset lithography process卷筒纸柯式机:用柯式印刷原理施印的卷筒纸机。Her virtues offset her fault.她的美德弥补...
眼镜耳勾的英文:slip-resistant ear hookslip是什么意思:v. 滑动;滑倒;滑落;溜;出错;下降;陷入;错过;摆脱;放开;塞;被泄露n. 溜;失误;过错;衬裙;滑倒;片,条;下降;事故;瘦小的年轻人adj. 滑动的,活络的;打有活结的;可拆卸的abbr. 串行...
冲毁的英文:wash off参考例句:Embankment was destroyed by rush of waters冲毁堤岸In the year 1091, London Bridge was destroyed by a tidal surge during a storm.伦敦大桥曾于 1091 年在一次暴风雨中被汹涌的潮水冲毁。The main road leading into the...
冲掉的英文:wash out参考例句:Rinse it off, and your skin will be absolutely glowing!将它冲掉,然后你的皮肤绝对会变得容光焕发!He rinsed the teapot out under the tap,to get rid of the tea-leaves.他在水龙头下面冲洗茶壶,以便把茶叶冲掉.He dous...
眼看的英文:soonin a moment参考例句:Four eyes see moor Ethan two. ——Muller两双眼比一双眼看得清楚。——米勒They looked askance at us there and talked with their heads close together他们那边斜着眼看我们,把脑袋凑在一起嘀咕。About the middl...
冲昏的英文:intoxicate ;intoxicationintoxicate是什么意思:v. 使陶醉;使喝醉They seem to have become intoxicated by their success.他们似乎陶醉在成功的喜悦中。He intoxicated them with wine.他用酒把他们灌醉了。The flowers gave off an intoxicat...
冲动的英文:impulse参考例句:resistible impulses.可抑制的冲动An irresistible urge不能抑制的冲动A powerful motivation or impulse.冲动一种强烈的动机或冲动Hasty and unthinking; impetuous.急躁的仓促而不加思索的;冲动的Almost everyone makes impul...
眼科的英文:ophthalmonogy参考例句:Her mother is an eye specialist.她母亲是眼科专家。The ophthalmologist at our local eye clinic我们地方眼科诊所的眼科医生Fortunately,an eye surgeon can remove most cataracts with a machine called a laser.幸....