发布时间:2019-01-29 08:50 来源:环球网校
点击量: 1856
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member country
member state
- The Bank's capital is subscribed by the member states.
银行的资金由成员国捐助。 - But , at the moment, members of the Arctic Council are resisting the expansion of their exclusive club.
但在目前,北极理事会的成员国拒绝对外扩招。 - Cartel members may defect by behaving competitively.
卡特尔的成员国由于进行竞争而会出现背叛。 - The Chinese government attaches great importance to developing relations with the European Union and its members.
中国政府非常重视发展与欧盟及其成员国的关系。 - Of or relating to the central government of a federation as distinct from the governments of its member units.
联邦中央政府的,与其成员国政府存在差别。 - A single member country can veto a new entrant.
一个成员国可以否决掉一个新加入者。 - The primary responsibility on information sharing now lies with each individual country member.
现在信息分享的基本职责归于每个单独的成员国。 - The OPEC countries have decided to impose a surcharge on the oil price for the fourth quarter.
欧佩克成员国已决定对延缓四季度油价征收附加费。 - The ripples of Europe's currency crisis continue to be felt in most of the member states.
欧洲货币危机引起的连锁反应仍在影响着大多数的成员国。 - The UN court has no jurisdiction over non-members.
n. 成员;分子;身体部位;下院议员
- Private member( member of the House of Commons who is not a minister)
普通议员(下议院中非内阁成员者). - The gap would be mold of the member.
缝隙将是构件的铸模。 - There are members of both sexes in the committee.
n. 国家;乡村,田野;区域
adj. 乡下的,乡村风味的
- The country was in ferment.
那个国家处于动乱中。 - It is the trademark of the country.
它是该国的标志。 - This is an agricultural country.
n. 国家,政府;州,邦;情形,状态;心情
adj. 国家的,政府的,州的;正式的,礼仪上的
v. 声明,陈述,说明;确定,规定
- Each state of the United States has a capital.
美国每一个州都有一个首府。 - The combination of the 50 states forms the United States of America.
五十个州结为一体组成了美利坚合众国。 - The judge of a probate court in some states of the United States.
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