发布时间:2019-03-18 11:00 来源:环球网校
点击量: 689
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Dallas Mavericks
- At the opposite end of Dallas's culinary spectrum is funky regional fare (Jacqueline Friedrich).
与达拉斯烹饪食谱截然相反的另一面是其具有乡土气息的地方饮食(杰奎琳·弗雷德里希)。 - He died of a wound in the brain caused by a rifle bullet that was fired at him as he was riding through downtown Dallas in a motorcade
在车队穿过达拉斯市中心时他被一颗步枪子弹击中,因脑部受伤而死。 - I work in the Goff's Charcoal Hamburgers on Lover's Lane, a busy commercial strip in North Dallas.
我在位于北达拉斯的一条名为“情人巷”的繁华商业街上的戈夫炭烤汉堡店工作。 - The idea that TV shows like 'Dallas' or 'Dynasty' represent typical American life is laughable.
说《豪门恩怨》或《锦绣豪门》等电视剧是美国人生活的典型写照是很滑稽的。 - We spent some time scoping out the location of our shoot at the Dallas arboretum.
n. 未烙印的动物;标新立异的人
v. 用不正当手段获取;迷路
adj. 未打烙印的;标新立异的
- Her independence and maverick behaviour precluded any chance of promotion.
她的独立精神和自行其是断送了一切升迁的机会。 - He was too much of a maverick ever to hold high office.
他太特立独行,永远不可能做高官。 - But as his firm grows, he may have to decide whether he is more a capitalist or a maverick.
但随着公司的增长,他可能必须决定自己要做一名资本家还是特立独行者。 - His maverick sister, Christine Van Rompuy, is a member of the Maoist Workers Party of Belgium.
他特立独行的姐姐,克里斯汀 范 龙佩是比利时毛主义工人党的成员。 - We need a maverick group of scientists, who oppose the prevailing medical opinion on the disease.
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