发布时间:2019-03-18 11:12 来源:环球网校
点击量: 795
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criminal laws
- We have studied the criminal law.
我们学习了刑法。 - Civil law is different to criminal law.
民法与刑法是不同的。 - He continued to lecture on criminal law at Rome University.
他继续在罗马大学教授刑法。 - It can be further divided into constitutional law, administrative law and criminal law.
可以分为宪法、行政法及刑法。 - The theoretical system of crime is the basis and core of the system of criminal law.
犯罪理论体系是刑法理论体系的基础和核心。 - I do not wish, however, to embark upon the subject of penal reform
但我并不想在此谈论刑法改革。 - Criminal law of the PRC has a special section on parole. It stipulates
《中华人民共和国刑法》对假释作了专节规定。该节规定 - The criminal statutes define the acts that are felonies and misdemeanors.
刑法中的法则定义了什么是重罪、什么是轻罪。 - His conception of the criminal law turned on the idea of retributive justice
在刑法观上,他不同意关于惩罚的正义性观点。 - Criminal law amendment divulges behavior in the light of the individual information with serious clue only.
adj. 刑事上的;犯罪的;可耻的
n. 罪犯
- The policeman figured the features of the criminal.
这个警察描述了这个罪犯的特征。 - The case today is the delivery of a criminal.
今天的任务是引渡一名罪犯。 - The priest confessed the criminal.
神父听取了那个罪犯的忏悔。 - The police have got a tail on the criminal.
警察雇到一名暗探跟踪罪犯。 - Robbery is a criminal act.
n. 法律;法规;法学;定律
- the spirit of the law.
法律的实质 - It is a law of creation.
这是一条宇宙万物的法则。 - juggle with the law
歪曲法律 - Law makers should not be law Breakers
正人先正己 - Civil law is different to criminal law.
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