发布时间:2019-03-18 10:20 来源:环球网校
点击量: 1568
少儿英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒
come to oneself
come to realize
come to see the truth
wake up to reality
- To free from illusion or false belief;undeceive.
使不再着迷,使不抱幻想;使醒悟 - He finally recovered from an absurd infatuation.
他终于从荒唐的迷恋中醒悟过来。 - Before long, Cao cao realized that he was cheated by Zhou Yu's stratagem of sowing distrust in Cao's camp.
事后,曹操醒悟,知道中了周瑜的反间计。 - Bring someone to his senses; bring someone round
使某人不再做出愚蠢的事;使某人醒悟 - This failure will wake him up a little.
这次失败会使他略有醒悟。 - The event may wake her up.
这件事可能使她醒悟。 - Those who relied on Soviet support were bound to become progressively disillusioned.
那些依靠苏联支持的人一定会越来越醒悟。 - A moment’s reflection showed her the mistake she had been under. She caught it instantaneously
她沉思了片刻,知道自己领会错了,顿时醒悟过来。 - Fake and low-quality products have disillusioned customers in China.
假冒伪劣商品使中国的消费者饱受其害,并最终醒悟。 - Glen used to behave very irresponsibly until that recent brush with the police brought him to his senses.
v. 来;发生;开始;出现;变成;达到;来做;来取;来拿
int. 嗨,得啦,好啦
- The bale will be coming.
不幸就要降临了。 - Come on get with it!
好啦,时髦点儿吧! - Illness comes in by mouth and comes out by it
pron. 自己;亲自,自行
- apologize for oneself
为自已解辩或辩护 - pride oneself on
使得意 - embroil oneself in
v. 理解;认识到;实现,将...变为现实
- These favorable anticipations have been realized.
这些有利的期望已被实现。 - Expectation is better than realization.
期待比实现更美好。 - Expectation is better than realization.
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