
2019-10-28 15:21 1230浏览 3回答


1楼 · 2019-10-28 15:57.采纳回答

Traffic congestion has long been a problem of great concern and complaint in big cities. It has caused a lot of inconvenience to people's life and work. The first cause is the great increase in the number of private cars. Cars take up more space but they carry fewer people. Some private car drivers, ignoring traffic regulations, drive only for the sake of their own convenience, blocking the way of other public transportation vehicles. The second cause is the slow and inefficient construction and improvement of the roads and streets. With a large population and numbers of automobiles increasing, some roads still remain unimproved, which will surely lead to problems. Let all of us act now to solve it.临时来交通拥塞不断是大城市最关怀和埋怨的成绩.已形成人们生活和任务的很大方便.首要缘由是私家车数量的少量添加.小汽车占用了更多空间,但他们却携带很少的人.一些私家车司机无视交通规则,开车时只图本人的方便,挡住了其他公共交通工具的路途.其次是迟缓而低效的建立及对路途和街区的完善.随着人口越来越多和汽车数量的成倍增长,而路途照旧坚持原样,无疑会招致成绩的发生.让我们一切的人如今就采取举动来处理它.

2楼-- · 2019-10-28 16:01

交通拥堵路在何方? 城市越来越靓,路途越来越宽,交通却越来越拥堵!交通拥堵出行难已成为城市顽疾。日益增长的车辆和无限路途之间的矛盾也越来越突出,行车路常常变成停车场。出行难已成为市民最头痛的成绩。越来越多的小汽车出来家庭,给人们带来极小气便的同时也带来了城市开展的一个通病。包括路途拥堵,环境净化、过量耗费动力等。

面对理想既不能停滞汽车工业的开展也不能让路途越来越拥堵,目前为处理拥堵采取的单双号限行,限购车辆,拍卖车号的措施收效甚微,出行难仍然难! 交通拥堵最次要的缘由之一就是未能充沛发扬公共交通的优势,无视了公共交通在城市中的作用。以香港为例,香港弹丸之地,拥有700多万市民,还有不可胜数的活动人口,却是条条路途迟滞,在路窄,坡多,弯多的路途上各种汽车疾速行驶。缘由在于香港公共交通的分担率高达90%以居世界之首,全球注目!还有瑞士、新加坡等等。

3楼-- · 2019-10-28 15:39

Points, I need not,for English is so hot. To learn English is very easy, however,Chinese, is not to be mixed, never. Who made English so hard to learn? English teachers, who English they burn. Why they, with Chinese, teach English? Because mostly they were taught Chinglish! Can we all make learning English not so hard? Yes, we can, but we have to put English to our hearts. How can we all do that, now English becomes Chinglish? Forget Chinese, when we are learning English. Good luck. 点,我不需求,由于英语是这么热。学习英语是十分容易的,但是,中国,不是混合,历来没有。谁的英语这么难学?英语教师,他的英语他们熄灭。为什么他们,与中国,教英语吗?由于他们大多是教中国式英语!我们都能让学习英语不是那么难吗?是的,我们可以,但我们必需把英语与我们的心灵。我们怎样才干做,如今英语成为中国式英语?遗忘中文,当我们正在学习英语。祝你好运。

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