宠物保姆的英文:pet sitter指签订了雇佣合同,在宠物家中提供照看服务的人。pet是什么意思:n. 宠物;宝贝v. 宠爱;爱抚adj. 宠物的;表示亲昵的She went off in a pet. 她一生气就走了。This store sells pet food.这商店出售宠物食品。They observed the behavior of th...阅读全文
宠爱的英文:to dote on (sb.)参考例句:Slobber over small children过分地宠爱小孩In favor with得..宠爱;受..鼓励;流行He pets his dog so much that do the food for the dog himself.他很宠爱他的狗以致于都是亲自为狗做食物。to dote on;...阅读全文
抽烟的英文:smoke参考例句:Not to smoke is advisable .不抽烟可取。Smoking that will shorten her life抽烟会缩短她的生命My parents forbid me from having wine and cigarettes.我父母不许我抽烟喝酒。Her Boyfriend refrained ...阅读全文