一笔钱的英文:a sum of money参考例句:to apportion the money fairly平均分配一笔钱That isn't hay.那是为数不小的一笔钱$10,000 is a tidy sum of money. 一万美元是相当大的一笔钱。 Karl ran up a bill at the bookstore卡尔欠书店一笔钱。Ded...阅读全文
一大笔钱的英文:a barrel of money a pretty packet a pretty penny That ain't hay.参考例句:To cost a packet花费一大笔钱To make a packet赚一大笔钱The ringleader lent Frank a large sum and has had him in the...阅读全文
沉浮的英文:ups and downs参考例句:All at once there's a noise like a cannon--that's the air blowing up the deck几番沉浮后,突然间放出大炮一样的一声巨响——这是甲板里的空气爆炸了。buoyancy decides whether a solid object float...阅读全文
液化的英文:liquefy参考例句:Thus, COBUILD includes Albanian and Filipino but not Chicano or Maori LP and LSD but not LPG例如:COBUILD收入了Albanian(阿尔巴尔亚人;阿尔巴尼亚语),Filipino(菲律宾人),却没有收入Chicano(墨西哥裔美...阅读全文