妖魔的英文:demon参考例句:My man is an ogre——a great big tremendous ogre.我男人是个吃人妖魔——又大又可怕的吃人妖魔。 She joins the diabolical dance她加入了妖魔的舞蹈。Madly the beanstalk tottered and swayed under the ogre's weight妖魔巨...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
样品的英文:samplespecimen参考例句:specimen;type标本,样品,形式The recorder is different in color from that of original sample.录音机的颜色不同于原样的样品。The nurse took away my urine sample.护士拿走了我的尿检样品。The quality of the or...
腰果鲜虾仁的英文:Sautéed Shelled Shrimps with Cashew Nutssaut是什么意思:n.(芭蕾舞用语)跳[字面意义:leap]I like saute prawns in butter sauce.我喜欢吃黄油汁煎大虾。We saute vegetables very quickly in a small amount of oil.我们用少量油将蔬....
妖艳的英文:pretty and flirtatious参考例句:This beauty treatment makes brides sensual and likable,but not far from innocent.这样的新娘美容,妖艳又不失纯真,讨人喜欢。Woman regarded as fascinating and dangerous妖艳而危险的女人.It is said th...
样式的英文:typestyle参考例句:Bullet Style项目样式Hatch styles填充样式Set the style to not break between words (no word wrap)设置样式为单词间不间断(没有单词被换行)CSS (cascading style sheets)层叠样式表,层叠样式单,串接样式表,级联风格窗体To ...
腰花的英文:scalloped pork or lamb kidneysscalloped是什么意思:n. 扇贝;扇贝壳;扇形饰边v. 使成扇形;烘烤;拾扇贝Have you tried scalloped scallop?你吃过烤干贝吗?Scallops in white wine sauce are served in scallop shells.在白葡萄酒沙司中的扇...
腰包的英文:waist pack参考例句:Every value they created ultimately redounded to his boss.他们创造的价值最后全进了他们老板的腰包。Instead, he gave the money to himself through a series of dummy corporations.但他却通过一系列虚构的公司,把钱....
样样的英文:all; every kind参考例句:A Jack of all trades is master of none样样皆通者样样不精Jack of all trades and master of none.门门精通,样样稀松。One who can do everything can do nothing样样懂,件件松Local snacks are fresh, delicious an...
腰花清汤的英文:pork kidney souppork是什么意思:n. 猪肉Rabbit sales better than pork.兔肉比猪肉卖的好。The sausages are made of coarsely ground pork.这些香肠用切得较粗的猪肉制成。Pork and apple go well together.猪肉和苹果一齐吃味道不错。kid...
腰鞭毛虫的英文:dinoflagellatedinoflagellate是什么意思:n. [动]腰鞭毛虫(属于腰鞭毛目的原生动物,一种海生单细胞生物)Any of various bioluminescent dinoflagellates of the genus Noctiluca that when grouped in large numbers make the sea phosphore...
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