乘车的英文:gat a riderideridingtake a ride参考例句:Taxi pick-up point出租车乘车点The delegation drove to the guesthouse代表团乘车前往宾馆。The time I spend in commuting every day adds up to three hours.我每天上下班乘车花费的时间加起来有3....
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氧化剂的英文:oxidantoxidizing agent参考例句:The fuel and oxidizer are kerosene and liquid oxygen, respectively.燃烧剂和氧化剂分别为煤油和液氧。Recessing the oxidizer tube improves stability氧化剂管的凹陷使稳定性增强。The oxidants are the ...
氧化矿的英文:oxidized oreoxidized是什么意思:v. [oxidize] 的过去式和过去分词形式;氧化,使生锈Oxidant refers to that group of compounds in the air highly oxidative.氧化剂指的是在空气中高度氧化性质的一组化合物。Iron oxide red pigmentsGB/T18...
乘车习惯的英文:riding habitriding是什么意思:n. 骑马v. ride的现在分词;骑Riding a horse is not as easy as riding a motor cycle.骑马不像骑摩托那么容易。He was riding a dark bay.他骑着一匹深赤褐色的马。 riding a big bay(mare)骑着红棕色的大(...
氧化酶的英文:oxidase参考例句:A critical enzyme is pyranose oxidase, which releases H2O2 for use by the manganese dependent peroxidase enzyme.关键酶是吡喃糖氧化酶,它释放出H2O2供含锰的过氧化物酶利用。oxidase是什么意思:n. [生化]氧化酶Monoam...
乘法的英文:multiplication参考例句:multiplication by aliquot parts用整除部分的乘法 Electronic binary multiplying computer二进制乘法电子计算机Matrix multiplication consists of many multiplications and accumulations.在矩阵乘法运算中包含许多....
氧化物的英文:oxidoxideoxydeoxydum参考例句:enhancement / depletion MOS integrated circuit增强型与耗尽型金属-氧化物-半导体集成电路High concentration of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen, oxides and dust have long been known to be harmful.人们早已知...
乘法符号的英文:n. multiplication symbolmultiplication是什么意思:n. 乘法;增加This is a multiple question.这是个复杂的问题。It will be a multiplication of the seed.这会带来这类种子的倍增。Matrix multiplication consists of many multiplicati...
氧气的英文:oxygenoxygen gas参考例句:Hydrogen is lighter than oxygen.氢气比氧气轻。Although oxygen does not participate directly in the citric acid cycle, the cycle operates only when O2 is present.尽管氧气没有直接参与三羧酸循环,循环却只....
乘机的英文:seize the opportunity参考例句:Many landlords, rich peasants and riff-raff have seized the opportunity to sneak into our Party.这即是有许多地主分子、富农分子和流氓分子乘机混进了我们的党。We should seize the opportunity to counte...
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