初级会计的英文:Junior Accountantjunior是什么意思:adj. 地位较低的;晚辈的;年纪较轻的;三年级的n. 职位较低者;晚辈;三年级学生There are lots of jobs in junior grades.初级阶段有很多工作要做。junior sports development青少年体育发展 There are...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
压低的英文:depressreducebring downlower参考例句:He kept the ball down and got a lot of ground balls.他持续压低球路,让打者击出许多滚地球。 Competition should beat the price down.竞争应可压低价格。"When the pressure gets low, the boiling p...
初识的英文:new acquaintancenew是什么意思:adj. 新的;现代的;初次的;初见的That news will keep.那个消息留待以后再宣布。The venture was new. 这是一次新的冒险。The news was flashed to Washington and then to New York.这消息被火速发往华盛顿,....
初加工的英文:pretreatingpretreating是什么意思:预加工; 初加工8 The mud should be pretreated with Bicarbonate while drilling cement.当钻水泥塞时,应该用小苏打对泥浆进行预处理。With systeamine pretreatment decreased yields of dominant lethal...
压电的英文:piezoelectricity参考例句:Piezoelectric material压电材料Piezoelectric stress constant压电应力常数Piezoelectric voltage constant压电电压常数piezoelectric linear stepping motor压电直线步进电动机 Piezoelectric stiffness constant压....
初始的英文:inceptiveinitialinitialization参考例句:One is the original cause of the big bang itself.其中一个是大爆炸本身产生的初始原因。loop initialization循环初置(初始状态的),循环初始化The initial concentration of aniline in aqueous solut...
初见的英文:at first blushat the first face参考例句:Migratory beekeeping is nothing new.迁移的养蜂人不是初见的。Who by the riverside first saw the moon arise.江畔何人初见月。Her first view of the pyramids filled her with awe.她初见金字塔时...
压服的英文:keep downoverbearsquelch参考例句:to subdue sb. into submission; to bring sb. to his knees; to compel sb. to obey; to tread down; to crush压服 exertion of authority over others is not always wise ; persuasion may be better利用权...
初始禀赋的英文:initial endowmentinitial是什么意思:adj. 最初的;字首的n. 首字母;声母v. 用姓名的首字母签名marginal initial边缘原始细胞[见于植物] The body is initially at rest, and the spring is initially unstretched. 起初物体是静止的,弹簧...
初具规模的英文:to begin to take shape参考例句:They both have their "two commas" after floating their infant Internet businesses on Wall Street.将初具规模的互联网公司拿到华尔街上市以后,他们俩都成了百万富翁。"The township, which took shape...
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