发布时间:2019-02-20 16:14 来源:环球网校
点击量: 1423
少儿英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒
- For the pressure to become zero, molecular bombardment must cease.
当压强趋近于零时,分子的碰撞就停止了。 - A unit of pressure equal to one million(106)dynes per square centimeter.
巴压强单位,等于每平方厘米一百万达因(106) - The pressure is caused by the bombardment of the container walls by these particles.
气体的压强是由这些粒子对容器壁的撞击造成的。 - It is this fact that makes pressure so useful a quantity in physics.
就是因为这个性质,使压强成为一个非常有用的物理量。 - A glass envelope is used to contain a gas at about 1/1000 atmospheric pressure.
玻璃外壳中的气体压强约为1/1000大气压。 - When the external pressure is below atmospheric pressure, the boiling point will be lower.
当外界压强低于一个大气压时,水的沸点就降低。 - A unit of pressure equal to one millionth of a bar.
微巴等于百万分之一巴的压强单位。 - Force applied uniformly over a surface,measured as force per unit of area.
压力;压强统一作用于物体表面的力量,用每一单位面积上的压力计量 - The choice of pumping system depends on required pumping speed, ultimate pressure attainable(in a reasonable time)
泵系统的选择取决于所需要的抽速,能达到的极限压强(在适当的时间内)。 - At this pressure it is found that the mean free path for electrons of a few volts energy is of the order of 1cm
n. 压力;压迫;压强;气压
v. 施加压力;迫使
- The pressure for disclosure will build.
要求公布真相的压力将会与日俱增。 - region of high barometric pressure
高气压区 - darcy impact pressure tube
达喂力管 - He surrendered to political pressure.
他屈服于政治压力。 - The velocities are independent of hydrostatic pressures
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