川式煎鹅肝的英文:Fried Goose Liver,Sichuan Stylefried是什么意思:adj. 油炸的French fries come with the hamburger.炸薯条与汉堡一起供给。The place stinks of fried onions.这个地方有股煎洋葱的刺鼻气味。The main dish is a fried steak.主菜是炸....
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
触杀的英文:touch out参考例句:CP/ Contact powder触杀粉剂CL/ Contact liquid or gel触杀液剂touch是什么意思:v. 触摸;轻碰;照管;达到;比得上;尝;用;破坏;涉及;影响到;触动n. 触碰;触感;手法,风格;润色;修饰;少许;接触within touch of在...
穿戴的英文:to dressclothing参考例句:They even dressed alike.他们甚至连穿戴都相似。To dress up;primp.穿戴打扮;过分地打扮doll up for a party穿戴漂亮地去参加晚会Plate armor worn to protect the front of the thigh.护腿甲为防护大腿前部而穿戴的....
川式南瓜饼的英文:Deep-Fried Pumpkin Cake, Sichuan Styledeep是什么意思:adj. 深的;深沉的;极度的;深刻的;深奥的adv. 深深地;迟n. 深处;海Sing the deep vocal register of the melody with a deep voice.请用明亮的嗓音演唱第一段歌曲。 Of a gray...
触线球的英文:line ballline是什么意思:n. 线条,界线,路线;条纹;排;铁路线;生产线;台词;态度;防线;前线v. 用线标出,划线于;使布满纹络;加衬里于;排队,排列成行This is a lined trunk. 这是一个有衬里的箱子。 They are politically in line....
穿过的英文:pass through参考例句:Run a roadBlock.穿过路障The swans glide gracefully on the lade天鹅穿过树林。Run the strap through the strap eyelet as shown.把背带穿过背带环。A meridian that passes through the observer's zenith.穿过观测者....
川味红汤鸡的英文:Braised Chicken in Spicy Sauce, Sichuan Stylebraised是什么意思:v. 炖,蒸,烩The vicar of Bray见风使舵之人"If a donkey Bray at you, don't Bray at him"傻瓜惹著你,你别跟他缠They Bray most that can do least说话最多的人,能做的...
矗立的英文:(v) tower(v) stand tall and erect, upright参考例句:The rock rises sheer from the water.崖石矗立水面。The Forbidden City has four imposing gates and at each comer is an exquisitely designed watch tower.紫禁城有4个富丽堂皇的大门....
穿孔的英文:perforateperforationstave参考例句:A perforation,as in a punched card or paper tape.在穿孔卡片或纸带上穿孔的一种动作。She had her ears pierced in order to be able to wear earrings她为了能戴耳环而把耳朵穿孔。piercing by electric ...
川味石斑球的英文:Sea Bass Balls, Sichuan Stylesea是什么意思:n. 海,海洋;大量,茫茫一片Beyond the seas在国外,在海外He adventured on a unknown seas.他冒险驶入陌生的海域。White breast of the dim sea.朦胧的海洋那雪白的胸脯。 bass是什么意思:...
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