川汁牛柳的英文:Sautéed Beef Tenderloin in Chili Sauce, Sichuan Stylesaut是什么意思:n.(芭蕾舞用语)跳[字面意义:leap]I like saute prawns in butter sauce.我喜欢吃黄油汁煎大虾。We saute vegetables very quickly in a small amount of oil.我们用...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
川崎的英文:kawasakikawasaki是什么意思: 川崎[日本本州岛东南岸港市]
触目惊心的英文:[Literal Meaning] contact/eyes/shock/heartto be shocked greatly for seeing certain things or scene[解释] 看见某种严重情况而内心震惊。形容事情严重,引起震动。[Explanation] to be astonished by seeing something; an extremely sh...
川汁烧白鳝的英文:Stewed Eel in Gravy, Sichuan Stylestewed是什么意思:adj. 焦虑不安的,烂醉的They made a stew.他们做了一道炖菜。Highly charged emotions have you in a stew.高度紧张的情绪会让人陷入不安。She stewed prunes.她炖了李子。eel是什么...
川式红烧肉的英文:Braised Pork,Sichuan Stylebraised是什么意思:v. 炖,蒸,烩The vicar of Bray见风使舵之人"If a donkey Bray at you, don't Bray at him"傻瓜惹著你,你别跟他缠They Bray most that can do least说话最多的人,能做的事最少pork是什么意...
触怒的英文:provocation参考例句:Take in good part不被.触怒His address gave umbrage to the authorities.他的演说触怒了当局。His reply displeased the king他的答复触怒了国王。Savage people are likely to offend others.粗鲁的人容易触怒别人。His ...
穿插的英文:interludepad out参考例句:While the third performer acting as a mediator between them.第三人穿插其中表示劝解The sideshows will fetch in the people as well幕间穿插的表演同样会吸引观众。Many people don't like spot ads between TV p...
川式红烧鱼翅的英文:Braised Shark’s Fin, Sichuanbraised是什么意思:v. 炖,蒸,烩The vicar of Bray见风使舵之人"If a donkey Bray at you, don't Bray at him"傻瓜惹著你,你别跟他缠They Bray most that can do least说话最多的人,能做的事最少shark是....
触屏手机的英文:slate phoneslate是什么意思:n. 板岩,黏板岩;石板瓦;画石板;石板色,记录,记载;候选人adj. 石板色的,板岩的v. 铺石板,责骂,选定,注定;把…列入候选人名单He is slated for the office. 他被提名为该职位的候选人。 He is slated...
穿出的英文:threading out ;threadingout参考例句:He weaves in and out among the looms, calling, mocking her with a crazy challenge他在一排织机过道里穿进穿出,一面大声喊她,奚落她,疯狂地与她作对。threading是什么意思:n. 线,棉线,毛线;丝状...
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