学术不端的英文:academic misconductacademic是什么意思:adj. 学校的;教学的;学术的n. 大学生;大学教师;学者academic referee专科审阅人员 This painting is of an academic style.这幅画是传统的学院派风格。Some academics are sceptical.有些大学教....
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学位夫人的英文:MRS degreemrs是什么意思:n. 太太,夫人In fact, Mr. Blake is Mrs. Wood's boss.确切地说,布莱克先生是伍德夫人的上司。 Mr. and Mrs. Weaver are shown to their usual pew by an usher.韦佛夫妇由一个招待员领到他们常坐的那长椅上去。M...
学术期刊的英文:1.an academic journalacademic是什么意思:adj. 学校的;教学的;学术的n. 大学生;大学教师;学者academic referee专科审阅人员 This painting is of an academic style.这幅画是传统的学院派风格。Some academics are sceptical.有些大学....
学术道德的英文:academic ethicsacademic是什么意思:adj. 学校的;教学的;学术的n. 大学生;大学教师;学者academic referee专科审阅人员 This painting is of an academic style.这幅画是传统的学院派风格。Some academics are sceptical.有些大学教师持....
学位考试的英文:schoolschool是什么意思:n. 学校,学院,学派,上学阶段;上课时间;学校全体师生;群v. 训练;教育This is the argument of the school.这就是流行学派的论据。the cock of the school学生中的头目;最横行霸道的学生 These are primary sc...
学术欺诈的英文:academic fraudacademic是什么意思:adj. 学校的;教学的;学术的n. 大学生;大学教师;学者academic referee专科审阅人员 This painting is of an academic style.这幅画是传统的学院派风格。Some academics are sceptical.有些大学教师持怀...
学术的的英文:academic参考例句:To discourse formally.论述,正式讨论;作学术讲演Schools focus on scholastic and professional skills, but not on financial skills.学校教育只专注于学术知识和专业技能的教育和培养,却忽视了理财技能的培训。 He is a...
学位论文的英文:thesis参考例句:She rewrote the prospectus of her dissertation three times before it was approved.她三次重写她的学位论文的提纲才被通过。Academic dissertation学位论文His thesis is rife with errors.他的学位论文错误连篇。I want...
学术社团的英文:academic societyacademic是什么意思:adj. 学校的;教学的;学术的n. 大学生;大学教师;学者academic referee专科审阅人员 This painting is of an academic style.这幅画是传统的学院派风格。Some academics are sceptical.有些大学教师持...
学术地位的英文:academic position; academic standing参考例句:The student with the highest academic rank in a class who delivers the valedictory at graduation.致告别词的学生代表一个班中具有最高学术地位的在毕业典礼上做告别演说的学生academic....
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