传感技术的英文:sensing techniquesensing是什么意思:v. [sense] 的现在分词形式;感觉,了解The method is going to increase the sens itivity.这个方法旨在提高感光度。Dr. Sun yat-sen was a pioneer of the democratic revolution.孙中山先生是民主革....
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
传到桥头自然直的英文:Don't cross the bridge until you come to it. don是什么意思:n. 1. 君,先生,阁下2. 西班牙绅士(或贵族),西班牙人3.【美俚】黑手党头目;犯罪集团的头领v.[T] 1. 穿上,披上(外衣等);戴上(帽);身穿(某种料子或颜色的衣服)...
学习班的英文:courses参考例句:Some of the students went to summer sessions to accelerate.有几个学生参加了暑期速成学习班。Since I also have trouble in English grammar, I attend an English class to study grammar.由于我在英语语法上也存在困难....
传感器的英文:sensortransducer参考例句:vibrating diaphragm transducer振膜式传感器Depth sensor/depth meter深度传感器(潜水)Geneen seemed to have an automatic sensor which told him when he was getting flaky answers吉宁就好像有一个自动传感器,...
传道的英文:evangeliseevangelizepreachpropagandismpropagandize参考例句:a narcotic lecture sermon ]乏味而使人欲睡的演讲传道]Evangelical preaching热衷于福音传道的.The preacher exhorted the audience to good deeds.传道者力劝听众行善。vicar apo...
学习备考的英文:study for an examstudy是什么意思:n. 学习,研究;结论,研究成果;学问,课题;书房v. 学习,研究;细察;端详There is no satiety in study学无止境This is a studied remark.这是经过深思熟虑的评语。 This is a macrocosm study.这是....
传感器技术的英文:n. sensor technologysensor是什么意思:n. 传感器,灵敏元件He plugged the sensor into a outlet.他把传感器插进电源插座。Secure the micro sensor to the scalp.将微传感器缝到头皮。Smoke sensors warned us of the fire.烟雾探测器已...
传递的英文:transmit onpass on to someone else参考例句:Pass on; handed on去世;传递Send... By fax用传真传递……Signals are made with flags or lamps.用旗或灯传递暗号。Jews passed the store hand to hand up the gangway犹太人把货物传递到舷梯。T...
学习成绩的英文:school record参考例句:His grade is better than any other one.他的学习成绩比谁都优秀。His marks are tip-top in his class.他的学习成绩在班上顶呱呱。Please note my academic achievements and campus involvement.请注意我在校的学....
传感器网络的英文:sensor networksensor是什么意思:n. 传感器,灵敏元件He plugged the sensor into a outlet.他把传感器插进电源插座。Secure the micro sensor to the scalp.将微传感器缝到头皮。Smoke sensors warned us of the fire.烟雾探测器已向我们...
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2016年7月公布的AFP试题——金融理财基础(一) 582 KB下载数 89 下 载
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