学生票的英文:student ticket参考例句:Student tickets are half price.学生票半价。student是什么意思:n. 学生,学习者,研究者a tardy student迟到的学生 There is not a student in the classroom.教室里一个学生也没有。Are you a student or a thug?....
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传统文学的英文:traditional literature参考例句:Traditional Jewish literature,especially the nonlegal part of the Talmud.犹太传统文学,特别是塔木德经中的非法律部分traditional是什么意思:adj. 传统的,惯例的;因袭的He deserted this classical ...
学生气的英文:bookishbookish是什么意思:a. 好读书的,书呆子的He was reticent, patrician, bookish, urbane他沉默含蓄,雍容华贵,书生气十足,而又温文有礼。He was bookish, a swot and very close to his mother.他有点书呆子气,勤奋好学,和他母亲非....
传统孝文化的英文:the traditional culture of filial piety参考例句:The core of traditional filial piety culture is love, while the core of love is contribution.传统孝文化的核心是“爱”,而“爱”的核心是奉献。traditional是什么意思:adj. 传统...
学生人事服务的英文:Student Personnel Services 学生个别服务/学生人事服务, 泛指在学校中对学生的各种服务,涵盖辅导、心理、健康、出勤、社会工作等服务student是什么意思:n. 学生,学习者,研究者a tardy student迟到的学生 There is not a student in...
传统医学的英文:traditional medicine参考例句:Latin America is home to a wealth of traditional medicines.拉丁美洲是一批传统医学财富的故乡。 A third common dilemma faced by conventional medicine is that of compliance.第三个传统医学常见的困....
学生食堂的英文:canteen参考例句:The student cafeteria feeds two thousand people a day .学生食堂一天要为两千人供应饭菜。canteen是什么意思:n. 餐厅;小卖部;水壶Why is there no water in your canteen?你的水壶为什么没有水?The professor someti...
传统智慧的英文:Conventional wisdomconventional是什么意思:adj. 传统的,惯例的;常见的;约定的conventional community契约上的财产共有,约定财产共有 Convention on Succession and Administration of Estates遗产继承和管理公约 By convention, you s...
学生宿舍的英文:student hostelstudent是什么意思:n. 学生,学习者,研究者a tardy student迟到的学生 There is not a student in the classroom.教室里一个学生也没有。Are you a student or a thug?你是学生还是凶手?The student was afraid of the strap...
传闻的英文:rumor参考例句:There was a rumor that George Bush Snr. had been arrested.曾经有传闻说老乔治·布什被逮捕。The story itself was a canard deliberately invented by the Armenians.这个传闻本身就是亚美尼亚人有意虚构的谎报。Hearsay evid...
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