学历造假的英文:fabricate academic credentialsfabricate是什么意思:v. 编造,组装Synthetic fabric is inferior to cotton fabric.合成纤维织物不如棉织品好。(3) fabric analysis, for example, fabric count of woven fabric, fabric type, fabric weig...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
学区房的英文:apartment located near key high schools指家长为了让孩子就读重点学校而就近居住的房屋。apartment是什么意思:n. 公寓房间;公寓大楼An apartment that is convenient to shopping and transportation.购物和交通均很近便的公寓 This toy is...
传统的英文:tradition参考例句:offbeat humor.反传统的幽默The timid conventionality of his designs他在设计中对传统的亦步亦趋.the traditional breakfast is congee,传统的早餐一般包括粥, Conventionalism: rigid adherence to conventional middle-c...
学生的英文:studentfollower参考例句:A sedulous student孜孜不倦的学生Large numBer of students大批学生The students are greedy for knowledge.学生们对知识如饥似渴。Today is yesterday's pupil.今天是昨天的学生。A resident tutor住在学生家中的家庭...
学历证书的英文:documentation of academic credentials; formal schooling documents参考例句:He grew up in Toronto and. Left high school without a degree when he was seventeen.他在多伦多长大。17岁时他高中毕业,但末能获得学历证书。documentatio...
传统安全威胁的英文:traditonal threats to securitythreats是什么意思:n. 恐吓;凶兆,预兆;可能造成危险或损害的人或事物They should not be a threat to reconciliation.它们不应当威胁和解精神。His words amounted to a threat.他的回答等于威胁。 We...
学生比的英文:student's ratio参考例句:A sedulous student孜孜不倦的学生Large numBer of students大批学生The students are greedy for knowledge.学生们对知识如饥似渴。Today is yesterday's pupil.今天是昨天的学生。A resident tutor住在学生家中的家...
学龄的英文:school ageschool是什么意思:n. 学校,学院,学派,上学阶段;上课时间;学校全体师生;群v. 训练;教育This is the argument of the school.这就是流行学派的论据。the cock of the school学生中的头目;最横行霸道的学生 These are primary sc...
传统产业的英文:conventional industries参考例句:Traditional industries have been upgraded.传统产业得到提升.conventional是什么意思:adj. 传统的,惯例的;常见的;约定的conventional community契约上的财产共有,约定财产共有 Convention on Succes...
学生处的英文:1. students' affairs divisionstudents是什么意思:n. 学生,学习者,研究者a tardy student迟到的学生 There is not a student in the classroom.教室里一个学生也没有。Are you a student or a thug?你是学生还是凶手?affairs是什么意思:n....
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