穴位治疗法的英文:acupuncture point object treatmentacupuncture是什么意思:n. 针灸(疗法)Bitter words and good acupuncture—to advise with faithful words.苦语针砭。She felt instant relief after the acupuncture treatment.针刺后,她马上感到....
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
船方的英文:The ship参考例句:We steer a car,bicycle or ship when we turn it in a particular direction.改变汽车、自行车或船的方向用steership是什么意思:n. 船,舰;宇宙飞船;飞艇v. 以船运送;邮寄;运送,装运;上船,乘船旅行suf. 表示状态,身....
学霸的英文:super scholarscholar-tyrantsuper是什么意思:n. 管理员;(英国的)警官;(美国的)警长adj. 特级的,特佳的;极度的pref. 表示“上,上方”,“超,超级”,“更大范围的”,“过,过分”Mario Kart Super Circuit马里奥赛车超级巡回赛 The s...
船夫的英文:bargeebargemenboatmanpunter参考例句:Boatmen poling Barges up a placid river.船夫在平稳的河上撑船航行。The boatman was willing to risk ferrying them across.船夫愿冒险渡他们过江。 The boatmen boomed the boat off the wharf. 船夫....
学报的英文:transaction参考例句:In the "Acta" of 1691 James Bernoulli derived the equation for the tractrix在1691年的《学报》中詹姆士?伯努利推导出跟踪曲线的方程。Later on,I was assigned to help the university tabloid in cut drawing.后为学....
船工的英文:boater参考例句:The boaters bailed water out from their sinking boat.船工们从正在下沉的船里往外戽水。To ensure the safety of fishermen on the sea, people began to worship a new goddess.为出海的船工保平安,在人们所崇奉的神灵中,....
学币的英文:virtual currency used in Hujiang online schoolvirtual是什么意思:adj. 实际上的;实质上的;虚拟的Virtual entity means virtual combo.虚拟企业指的是成立虚拟联合体。The glass ravelled virtually into powder.玻璃几乎碎成了粉末。These ...
船级社的英文:classification society, register of shippingclassification是什么意思:n. 分类;等级It's a really classy joint.这是一个确实高级的公共场所。 This posh/smart/classy profession is a favorite in movies. 这个时髦、优雅、精明的职业....
学部的英文:department参考例句:The library's extensive biology section图书馆中有大量图书的生物学部department是什么意思:n. 部,司,局,科,部门;(大学的)系A government department or a subdivision of a department.局司处等行政单位政府部门....
船具店的英文:ship chandlery firmship是什么意思:n. 船,舰;宇宙飞船;飞艇v. 以船运送;邮寄;运送,装运;上船,乘船旅行suf. 表示状态,身份,职业,技巧,能力,手腕,群体等The ship docked.船靠码头了。the belly of a ship.轮船内部 Their ship wa...
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