发布时间:2019-02-22 11:16 来源:环球网校
点击量: 637
少儿英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒
- The dockers' strike was so powerful a demonstration that the shipowners hung out the white flag.
码头工人的罢工是一场强有力的示威,船主们只好认输。 - Article third unessential therefore ready accede to owner.
第三条款无关紧要,可答应船主的要求。 - Article third unessential therefore ready accede to owner
第三条款无关紧要,可答应船主的要求 - The wealthy merchant and shipowner were more interested in the solvency than in the religious zeal of their clients
富商和船主关心的是主顾的偿付能力而不是他们的宗教热忱。 - `It's your trade, not mine, pilot, and I confide in you.'
“这是你的业务,我是外行,我完全信赖你,船主。” - "Yes, but to be captain one must do a little flattery to one's patrons."
“但是要想当船长,就该对船主恭敬一点才好。” - "I did not say that the owner was a smuggler," replied the sailor
“我没说那船主是一个走私贩子呀。”水手答道。 - Shipowner state port discharging facilities doubtful and request increase freight.
船主对港口设备有所怀疑,请增加运费。 - I believe, if she had not been laden, and I had been her master, he would have bought her
我敢说,假如船上没有装货,而我又是船主的话,他会把船买下来的。 - "Well, well, my dear Edmond," continued the owner, "don't let me detain you
n. 船主
- The dockers' strike was so powerful a demonstration that the shipowners hung out the white flag.
码头工人的罢工是一场强有力的示威,船主们只好认输。 - The shipowner has still held a merchant fleet of seven cargo-vessels.
这个船东仍拥有一支7艘货船的商船队。 - Shipowner state port discharging facilities doubtful and request increase freight.
船主对港口设备有所怀疑,请增加运费。 - The wealthy merchant and shipowner were more interested in the solvency than in the religious zeal of their clients
富商和船主关心的是主顾的偿付能力而不是他们的宗教热忱。 - The worthy shipowner knew, from Penelon's recital, of the captain's brave conduct during the storm, and tried to console him
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