词序的英文:word order参考例句:A change in normal word order,such as the placement of a verb before its subject.倒装正常词序的变化,例如,倒装动词置于主语之前To make an analysis of the nominal ellipsis, a word order of the original noun ph...
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需求收入弹性的英文:income elasticity of demandincome是什么意思:n. 收入;收益;所得IQC Incoming quality control来料检验 Incoming fire has the right of way.飞来的子弹有优先通行权。(挡它的道你就要倒大楣!) He has a comfortable income.他有....
词选择的英文:n. word selectionword是什么意思:n. 单词;言语;许诺;消息v. 措辞There is an 在apple这个词中有一个字母A。This is a derivative word.这是一个衍生词。This is an informal word.这是一种口语用语。Bitter words and good acupuncture—t...
需氧运动的英文:aerobic exerciseaerobic是什么意思:adj. 有氧的;有氧健身的Aerobic exercise increases capillary development in the brain.有氧运动促进了大脑内毛细血管的生长。Skipping is one of the most enjoyable aerobic activities.跳绳是最有....
词语的英文:wordexpressionterm参考例句:Word wrap词语换行Form sentences, using the following words.用下面的词语造句。Do not coin terms that are intelligible to nobody不要生造谁也不懂的词语。To underscore(written matter)with a single line to...
词源同上的英文:explainationexplaination是什么意思:n. 解释,说明explain puzzles解释难题 Explain the advantages and disadvantages of globalization.解释全球化的优缺点。Rita and Frank explain all...丽塔和弗拉克说出了一切…… I cannot explain ...
蠢事的英文:folly参考例句:We could not conceive that they would do such a silly thing.我们想不到他们竟然会做那样的蠢事。It was an inconceivably stupid thing to have done岂有此理,他竟干出了如此蠢事!Smuts had gone on to much more contentio...
词藻华丽的段落的英文:purple passage参考例句:Purple passage词藻华丽的段落,华而不实的章句purple patch华而不实的章句;词藻华丽的段落Purple passages/patches/prose词藻华丽的段落[节段/散文]purple是什么意思:adj. 紫的,紫红的n. 紫色,紫红色;王....
戳穿的英文:bowl out参考例句:debunk a supposed miracle drug.戳穿一种所谓的神奇药物Mary was caught fibbing.She sure spread it on thick.玛丽的谎话被戳穿了。她必然要讨好别人。A nail on the road punctured the tyre路上的钉子把车胎戳穿了。It was...
词缀的英文:affix参考例句:An affix,such as dis - in disbelieve,put before a word to produce a derivative word or an inflected form.前缀词缀,如A morpheme or morphemes regarded as a form to which affixes or other bases may be added.词素,字....
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