词素的英文:morpheme参考例句:A morpheme or morphemes regarded as a form to which affixes or other bases may be added.词素,字根词素,它被看作词缀或其它词根可以加上的词形。The final morpheme added to a word base to make an inflectional form, ...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
需求变化的英文:change in demand参考例句:The company is highly responsive to changes in demand. 该公司对需求的变化反应特别迅速。 Recognition of changing demand has been the second Swiss trump.掌握需求的变化,是瑞士钟表制造公司的第二个制胜....
词外壳的英文:vocablevocable是什么意思:n. 词,语,单字
需求价格弹性的英文:price elasticity of demand参考例句:price elasticity of demand需求价格弹性price是什么意思:n. 价格,价值;代价v. 给…定价;问…的价格Prices are advancing.各种物价都在上涨。The price is outrageous.价钱高得吓人。Prices are...
词形变化的英文:morphological change参考例句:To give all of the inflected forms of a word.词形变化形式给出一个单词所有的屈折变化形式。The paradigm of a word.词的词形变化Class of verbs that conjugate in the same way词形变化相似的一类动词(of...
需求量的英文:demand ;quantity demanded参考例句:Such foods are useful in meeting the day's nutrient needs without exceeding the caloric requirement.这类食物是有用的,它既能满足每日的营养需求又不超过总能量的需求量。Coal is in great demand.煤...
词性的英文:part of speech参考例句:Functional shift词性转换A noun or substantive following and governed by a preposition.宾语在介词后或受制于介词的名词或名词性词组Shaven and proven are mostly used adjectivallyshaven和proven多用作形容词性的...
需求量变化的英文:change in quantity demandedchange是什么意思:n. 变化;交换,交替;零钱v. 改变;交换,替换;兑换;更换change a bed;change the baby.换床单;给婴儿换尿布 We propose 'a change [making a change / to make a change / that a chang...
词性标注的英文:part-of-speech taggingpart是什么意思:n. 部分;零件;角色v. (使)分裂;分岔;(使)分开adv. 部分地adj. 部分的sustain the part of恰当地扮演 An aliquot part.整除数,约数能整除的部分。The parts interlock.各部分相互扣住。speech...
需求疲软的英文:weak demandweak是什么意思:adj. 疲软的;虚弱的;软弱的;愚钝的;不牢固的;淡薄的a weak radio signal; a weak link.微弱的无线电信号;薄弱的连接。 He has weak eyes. 她的视力不佳。 The spirit is willing But the flesh is weak力不...
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