薪金的英文:(n) salary; wage参考例句:With prosperity has come a dramatic increase on wages.随着经济的繁荣,人们的薪金猛涨。Monthly contributions to the pension scheme will be taken out of your salary.养老金制度中每月的公积金要从薪金中扣除....
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
薪尽火传的英文:As one piece of fuel is consumed, the flame passes to another.one是什么意思:num. 一;同一个、最重要的一个det. 代替a或an,表示强调;某位(用于不太熟悉之人的姓名之前)pron. 任何人;一个人;一个事物;其中的一个人One, Taipei, o...
错落有致的英文:visually intermingledin a picturesque disorder参考例句:Peach trees were interspersed among the willows.在柳树中间错落有致地种有桃树。visually是什么意思:adv. 视觉上;形象化地;外表上They are visual illusions!它们是视觉上的....
薪水的英文:salarywage参考例句:His salary is treble mine.他的薪水是我的三倍。 Your salary is chicken-feed compared to what you could earn in America.你的薪水和美国的相比, 太少了。I guess manual labor pay the best.我猜想体力工作的薪水最高Hi...
错码的英文:error codeerror是什么意思:n. 错误;出错;谬见;过失;误差IMAP Error The message could not be saved due to an error.IMAP错误由于发生了一个错误,无法保存此消息。An error by a hairbreadth may eventually result in an error of a tho...
信不过的英文:bear watching参考例句:Some were suspicious of their brash cousin有人信不过这位厚颜无耻的堂兄弟。This letter will only make them think me a blackguard one.这封信不过使他们把我想得粗鄙而已。I don't lend money to people that I d...
错失的英文:delinquency参考例句:Kobe says he missed too many makeable shots.科比说他错失了太多至关重要的投篮。All barrage weapons no longer have a 50% chance to miss targets in smoke.所有的弹幕武器在烟幕中有50%率错失目标。 blunder away one...
信步的英文:stroll; walk aimlessly参考例句:He was not acquainted with arras,the streets were dark, and he walked on at random他从前没有到过阿拉斯,街上一片漆黑,他信步走去。She was wandering aimlessly up and down the road.她在路上信步来回....
错时上下班的英文:staggered rush hour planstaggered是什么意思:v. 摇摇晃晃地走;使震惊;使交错n. 蹒跚地走It was a staggering project. 这是个令人吃惊的计划。 For a moment I staggered at the price.我听了价钱迟疑了一会儿。The stiff staggered a...
信差的英文:messenger参考例句:I sent the letter by a messenger.我差信差送信。The messenger delivered him a letter.信差交给他一封信。The letter was delivered by a courier this morning.送递急件的信差今天早晨送来了这封信。 Sir George Staunton...
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