抄写的英文:copytranscribe参考例句:You must copy it fair.你一定要把它抄写清楚。He ran a day and night line, copying by sunlight and by candle light他白天靠日光,夜晚藉烛光,日以继夜地抄写。Write down the sentence. Let's write down the sent...
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唱腔的英文:aria参考例句:He murdered the song by poor singing.他拙劣的唱腔糟蹋了这首歌。aria是什么意思:n. 抒情调,独唱曲,咏叹调,唱腔Can you pick out the operatic arias quoted in this orchestral passage?你能听出这段管弦乐曲里有歌剧式的咏叹....
超凡蜘蛛侠的英文:The Amazing Spider-Man(是美国华纳兄弟儿童频道出品的动画。)amazing是什么意思:adj.令人惊异的Their harmonic tones amazed us.他们的和声使我们震惊不已。You're an amazing bargain hunter!你真是个打折老手。I gazed at him in ama...
抄写清楚的英文:copy fair参考例句:You must copy it fair.你一定要把它抄写清楚。copy是什么意思:n. 复制品;摹仿;一份;稿件v. 抄写,复制,复印;抄袭;模仿He was punished for copying.他因抄袭而受处分。A set of five copies. 一式五份一套五份复....
唱戏的英文:act in a Chinese opera参考例句:With tourism paving the way for economic and trading activities旅游搭台,经贸唱戏act是什么意思:n. 行为,行动;法案;法令;一幕,段;装腔作势v. 行动;扮演;假装;装作;起作用,见效;举动像This is ...
钞票的英文:paper moneybill参考例句:The forging of a banknote伪造钞票This ten-dollar bill is a counterfeit.这张十元钞票是伪钞.The robber swooped up the banknotes.劫匪把钞票一把抢走了。His eye was on the note, and he was petrified他定睛望着...
绰绰有余的英文:[Literal Meaning] well-to-do/have/surplusmore than sufficient[解释] 绰绰:宽裕的样子。非常宽裕,用不完。[Explanation] more than enough[例子] 请你放心,即使有二百人,我们准备的食物也绰绰有余。[Example] Please don't worry. Eve...
伊格尔氏综合征的英文:Eagle syndromeeagle是什么意思:n. 鹰,雕;鹰击;鹰状标饰Eagles catch no flies大人物不计较小事情It is no honour for an eagle to vanquish a dove老鹰胜鸽,不足为荣The eagle is riding on the fierce wind.鹰在狂风中翱翔。The ...
绰号的英文:nickname参考例句:Red got his nickname for his red hair.“红毛”的绰号源于他的红头发。Acquire the label of得了...绰号To give(a nickname or label)to someone.给某人或某物(绰号或标签)We often call him by his nickname.我们经常叫他的...
伊拉克的英文:Iraq参考例句:We did not support the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq.我们不支持伊拉克入侵科威特。The truth is that Iraq is significantly less dangerous today than it was when it invaded Kuwait.事实是伊拉克今天已远不如入侵科威特时危...
2016年7月公布的AFP试题——金融理财基础(二) 564 KB下载数 96 下 载
2016年7月公布的AFP试题——金融理财基础(一) 582 KB下载数 87 下 载
2022年AFP证书复习考试学习资料 1.1 MB下载数 109 下 载
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