一小撮的英文:a handful ofa pinch ofhandful参考例句:Put a pinch of sugar in the soup.在汤里加一小撮糖。It is short-sighted and inappropriate to use statistics to blame a few individuals.如利用数据来指责或迁怒于一小撮人是一种短期行为,也是不...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
一叶障目的英文:[Literal Meaning]a/leaf/block out/eyesto cover one's eyes with a leaf[解释]眼睛被一片树叶挡住,看不到事物的全貌。[Explanation]Used to describe a person whose eyes are shaded by something trivial so that all things farther or...
一小时的英文:one hour参考例句:We did an hour of gym.我们做了一小时的体操。The corporal will relieve the sentry in an hour.下士一小时后接替卫兵。An hour had passed like a moment in their expressions of mutual affection.她们各倾衷肠,一小时...
一页的英文:folio参考例句:crisscross the sheet of paper.在一页纸上画十字形。 Every page of the book glows with good humor这本书的每一页都充满着幽默。The most abject sentimentality drips from every page每一页里都散发出最无聊的多愁善感。The ...
一些的英文:somea fewa little参考例句:They had some trouble once over a halter, and, both being good haters, there was bad blood between them.他们两人以前为了缰绳的事发生过一些龃龉,因为两人都是记仇记恨的人,所以宿怨不能消解。He socked som...
一夜成名的英文:fame overnight参考例句:In 1970 he became an overnight success in America.1970年,他在美国一夜成名。fame是什么意思:n. 名望,声誉v. 使闻名,使有名the ladder of fame成名的步骤 She will catapult to fame with this movie.她将会....
一心的英文:wholeheartedlyheart and soul参考例句:A man cannot whistle and drink at he same time一心不能二用If you run after two hares you will catch neither一心二用将一事无成He was consumed with the sole idea of escape他一心想着逃跑。She w...
一夜难眠的英文:stay up the nightstay是什么意思:n. 停留,制止,依靠,支柱v. 制止,平息,延缓,继续,保持,坚持,忍耐stationary stay中心架|固定支柱 Settle down or stay, as if on a roost.安歇或暂住,好像在栖息所。 He was stayed by the doctor...
一言既出,驷马难追的英文:A real man never goes back on his words.参考例句:A word spoken is an arrow let fly一言既出,驷马难追Even four horses cannot take back what one has said.一言既出,驷马难追。What has been said cannot be unsaid一言既....
一夜情的英文:one-night standone-night stayone-night sex参考例句:one-night stand may prompt a desire to extend your stay with this mystery woman. 一夜情可能会激起你的欲望,让你想和这个神秘女人继续交往下去。one是什么意思:num. 一;同一个、....
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