朝三暮四的英文:[Literal Meaning]morning/three/evening/fourto offer three in the morning and four in the evening[解释]常常变卦,反复无常。[Explanation]to be changeable and capricious[例子]这个女人朝三暮四,每天身边总是出现不同的男人。[Examp...
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朝九晚五的英文:clock in clock out朝九晚五是一个描述多数企业员工上班时间的用句,这个时间也是美国标准工作时间,英文称也可以称为“9 to 5”。参考例句:I am only a regular 9-to-5 office stayer.我只是一个平凡的朝九晚五上班族。clock是什么意思:n....
一体的英文:1.an organic whole; unity; one参考例句:Audio visual connection视听一体A leading manufacturer, resercher, developer and distributor of …集制造、科研、开发、销售于一体的大型企业Animals' protective coloring enables them to blend ...
一世的英文:generation参考例句:Elizabethan drama英国女王伊丽莎白一世时代的戏剧Darius I the Great大流士一世To nod and shake the spheres睥睨一世Charles I had his head chopped off.查里一世遭斩首."One cannot always be a hero, But one can alway...
朝礼的英文:to go on a pilgrimagepilgrimage是什么意思:n. 朝圣之旅;漫游The church is organizing a pilgrimage to Rome in April .这个教堂四月份要组织到罗马丢朝圣。His father took him on a sentimental pilgrimage to Ireland.他爸爸带他踏上了去....
一体化的英文:Gleichschaltung all-in-one参考例句:The educational mechanism of combining learning with research and production产学研一体化的办学机制Horizontal integration横向联合,横向一体化The second spur to globality: borders are eroding ...
一式两联的英文:in duplicate参考例句:(Receipt or invoice) in duplicate一式两联duplicate是什么意思:adj. 复制的,副本的;成对的,二倍的,二重的;复式的n. 复制品,复印件,副本;复局v. 重复,复制;使加倍duplicate expenses使费用加倍 The price ...
朝气的英文:vitalitydynamism参考例句:the dew of youth青春的朝气Youthful idealism充满朝气的理想主义Everyone admired the young girl's vernal freshness.大家都羡慕这女孩子的青春朝气。 Her youthful spirit was crushed out of her by hardships她因...
一天的英文:one day参考例句:The rats had become bolder and bolder with each passing day耗子一天比一天猖獗。It's a routine day.这是平淡的一天。Today is the first day of spring.今天是春季的头一天。One day is a period of twenty-four hours.一....
一视同仁的英文:[Literal Meaning]all/treat/same/kindEvery is treated alike.[解释]对所有的人同样看待,不加区别。[Explanation]to be impartial[例子]丽莎是个好妻子,对待汤姆和前妻生的孩子与自己的孩子一视同仁。[Example]Lisa is a good wife and sh...
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