一日三秋的英文:[Literal Meaning]one/day/three/seasonA day absent from you is like three seasons.[解释]三秋:三年。一天不见面,就像过了三年。分别时间虽短,却觉得很长。形容情侣非常思念。[Explanation](of lovers) long time no see[例子]李明出国...
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一日游的英文:daycation(由day和vacation缩合而成)参考例句:A day excursion to the bordering province will be arranged for all the participants after the meeting会议结束后,我们组委会将安排所有与会者赴邻省一日游daycation是什么意思:一日游day...
一碗的英文:bowl参考例句:A bowl of soup served piping hot滚烫的一碗汤.Pennyworth only of beautiful Soup?beau--ootiful Soo--oop!beau--ootiful Soo--oop!两便士一碗的好汤?I have a bowl of fir cones.我有一碗冷杉树球果。After the starter you wi...
一色的英文:1.of the same color; of the same type参考例句:a cat with a monotone coat.一色皮毛的猫color是什么意思:n. 颜色v. 给...涂颜色] colorful adj.华美的;富有色彩的;有趣的 Colors are in harmony. 色彩调和。The bottom color is the brown...
一系悬挂的英文:single stage suspensionsingle是什么意思:adj. 单一的;个别的;单身的;单程的 n.单曲唱片;单程票;单打比赛 v.挑出,选出;击出一垒安打They single out the biggest apple. 他们挑出最大的苹果。 They play single this afternoon. ....
一万的英文:ten thousand参考例句:The town has a population of ten thousand. 这个镇有一万人口。 The donation aggregated to $10,000.捐款合计达一万美元。It’s always wise to play safe.不怕一万就怕万一$10,000 is a tidy sum of money. 一万美元是...
一身的英文:the entire bodyfor wearing a suit参考例句:All kinds of affair fall upon one猬集一身I woke up covered in a rash.我醒来时长了一身疹子。She had chicken-pox and was covered in spots.她得了水痘,出了一身丘疹.Wearing a brown cotton go...
一下的英文:(adj) one time; once(adv) in a short time; suddenly; all at once参考例句:At one scoop一举,一下Hit him back and call it quits.还击他一下就算了。Let's take a break.我们休息一下吧。Just trim it只是修整一下。He wants stirring up.....
一位的英文:single bitsingle orderone bit参考例句:She's the offspring of a scientist and a musician.她是一位科学家和一位音乐家的女儿He is a chemical doctor.他是一位化学博士。a consummate musician一位技艺高超的音乐家 His farther is a leadin...
一生的英文:all one's lifethroughout one's life参考例句:A useless life is an early death. —— Wolfgang Von Goethe无益的一生与夭折无异。——歌德She was immaculate of history. 她的一生白壁无瑕。 His election to the presidency was the apex o...
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