一帆风顺的英文:[Literal Meaning]one/sail/wind/favorableto sail with the favorable wind[解释]船挂着满帆顺风行驶。比喻非常顺利,没有任何阻碍。[Explanation]to proceed smoothly without a hitch[例子]在机场,张华大声对李明说:“亲爱的,助你在非....
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
一方的英文:side参考例句:The country was torn by warlordism, with each warlord dominating a region军阀割据,各霸一方。take the affirmative站在赞成的一方 The defense attorney charged that the jurors were biased. 辩护人指责陪审员偏袒一方。 A...
一番的英文:doseone time (in scoring)参考例句:At last, stick them on the multicolor cardboard and decorate it more.最后粘在彩色纸板上可以再装饰一番。Some twenty-two years later President Polk reiterated and elaborated upon these principles...
一干二净的英文:thoroughlycompletely参考例句:All the restless devils inside her were quietened by this silence and by the calm strength of this companion这同伴的沉着镇静,把她心中的烦躁不安驱散得一干二净。When you are eating Korean barbecu...
一方得零分的一局的英文:love gamelove是什么意思:n. 喜爱;热爱;酷爱;恋爱;爱情,爱意;喜爱的事物;爱人 v. 爱;喜欢;热爱;爱慕Love is the reward of love爱别人才会被人爱Love is the true price of love爱情只能用爱情来报答A labour of love乐于...
一个的英文:one参考例句:Clinton isn't a grudge holder.克林顿不是一个爱记仇的人。As a Party member, you should pay your dues in time.作为一个党员, 你应及时交纳党费。The leader made a sagacious decision.领导做了一个精明的决定。A problem-fre...
一鼓作气的英文:[Literal Meaning]first/drum/pluck up/moraleto pluck up courage with the first drum[解释]趁力气大的时候鼓起干劲,一口气把工作做完。[Explanation]to finish something without let-up while their spirits are rising.[例子]团长喊:....
一方面的英文:one side参考例句:She was half sorry that her sagacity had miscarried, and half glad that Tom had stumbled into obedient conduct for once.她一方面为了自己的机智落了空而难过,一方面又为了汤姆居然也有这么一回破天荒的听话守规矩的...
一个巴掌拍不响的英文:It takes two to tango.takes是什么意思:v. 拿,取;带;获得;采取;承担;吃;耗费;乘,搭;以为;理解;走;抓住a catch; a take; a taking捕获量 take a nap; take a snooze小睡一下;睡午觉 take service with在¥帮佣 two是什么...
一贯的英文:consistentconstant参考例句:I've always had a loud mouth, I refuse to be silenced.我一贯大声说出自己的想法,不会迫于压力而一言不发。 He has consistently given guidance and help to young people.他一贯提携青年人。He has always bee...
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