车行的英文:car dealer; bicycle dealer参考例句:ACCESS CAR HIRE U.K.英国路路通(Access)租车行He had the engine of his car tuned at the garage. 他在修车行让人调整了他的汽车引擎。 The intense vitality that had been so remarkable in the garage ...
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一度的英文:for a timeat one timeone timeonce参考例句:Hot coffee can give first-degree burns.热咖啡能造成一度烫伤.Enjoy the disco you' re only young once尽情跳起迪斯科--须知青春只一度He was once the great white hope of the Labour Party.他....
一等奖的英文:【计】 first prize参考例句:She deserves first prize.她应得一等奖。The first prize was possessed to the youngest competitor. 一等奖授给了最年轻的比赛者。 She bore away the first prize in the singing competition.她赢得歌唱比赛...
车祸的英文:traffic accidentcar crash参考例句:AutomoBile accidents take a heavy toll of human lives.车祸使许多人丧生。She braked suddenly and avoided an accident.她紧急煞车,避免了一场车祸。That accident was horrible, but nobody knows how i...
一端的英文:one aspect of the matter; one end参考例句:Please catch up the loose end of the rope请抓住绳子松着的一端。This single item will suffice to typify all the rest.即此一端,可概其余。When he answered the phone, Ferguson was at the o...
车间的英文:workshopmachinery room plant shop floormachine shop 参考例句:a boiler forge锅炉锻工车间The workshop has shut down for lack of raw material.由于缺乏原料,这个车间已停工了。Gas system: gas pipe line from the joint at 1m fro...
车库的英文:garage参考例句:locomotive barn机车车库 Odorous jasmine flowers;odorous garbage.散发着香味的茉莉花;有气味的车库While you are cleaning out the garage, please dispose of those piles of old newspapers.你打扫车库的时候,请把那几堆旧...
车厘子的英文:cherrycherry是什么意思:n. 樱桃,樱桃树;樱桃色,樱桃木;处女膜,处女Oriental cherry are in full bloom.樱花盛开。It is very strange that there is no stone in the cherry.这颗樱桃竟然没核,很奇怪。The Korean cherry flowers give ...
车铃的英文:bellbell是什么意思:n. 钟(声);铃(声);钟状物v. 鸣钟;系铃于There was a ring at the bell.铃声响了。The bell dinged.钟丁当作响。Jingle bells,jingle bells,jingle all the way.铃儿响叮铛,铃儿一路响叮铛。To make a musical sound ...
车辆的英文:vehicle参考例句:Amphibious vehicles水陆两用车辆.Vehicle users车辆使用者Traffic has been barred from the city center.市中心已禁止车辆通行。Streams of cars were belting along the superhighway川流不息的车辆在高速公路上飞驰。The ve...
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