成本收益分析的英文:cost benefit analysiscost是什么意思:v. 花费;使付出;估价n. 费用;代价;成本;损失Cost was no consideration. 费用无关紧要。The cost will be astronomical.费用将是一笔天文数字。These costs are charged to an asset account ...
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衬衣的英文:shirt参考例句:Cotton shirts棉衬衣a reversible skirt可反穿的衬衣A blouse front formerly worn by women;a dickey.假衬衣原为女式在只有前胸的衬衣;衬衫的假前胸He unfastened the buttons of his shirt.他解开了衬衣钮扣。a reversible ski...
成本效益的英文:cost effectiveness ;costbenefit参考例句:and the relative cost-effectiveness of alternative approaches to limiting risks以及采用替代方法控制风险的相对成本效益。Poverty and Hunger discusses a variety of cost-effective ways to...
称心的英文:satisfactory参考例句:Unsatisfactory goods不称心的货物Buying with satisfaction, using at ease买得称心,用得放心Hope things go all right with you.望你事事称心。Paul was dissatisfied with himself and with everything.保罗对自己对万...
趁机的英文:seize an opportunitytake advantage of situation参考例句:To kidnap Sanzang, Red Boy hurled a whirl of wind at him. Sanzang disappeared. Monkey knew this was done by the demon并刮起一阵旋风,趁机劫走了唐僧。风停后,唐僧没有了,悟...
称心如意的英文:1.in accord with one's wishes参考例句:He appreciated being free of faculty rules, free of the guilt which in seminary days had followed his sprees at Monarch他感到称心如意的事颇不少:过去他受到神学院清规戒律的约束,而现在他....
趁着的英文:under the cover of参考例句:They did it under the cloak of darkness.他们是趁着黑夜干的。Exploit a situation for one's own advantage趁着形势谋取私利`Psst! Let's get out now before they see us!'`嘘!趁着现在他们没看见,咱们走吧!'L...
趁早的英文:as early as possible参考例句:Silly child is soon taught要想孩子好,教育要趁早early是什么意思:adj. 早期的;早熟的adv. 在初期;提早Early sow, early mow.早动手,早收获。Early ripe, early rotten.早熟早烂(早慧早衰)。Early to bed and...
称雄的英文:rule the region参考例句:Every cock crows on his own dunghill.公鸡总在自己草堆上称雄。Venice reigned as the major sea power of the Mediterranean during the Middle Ages.中世纪时,威尼斯以地中海的主要海上力量而称雄。"One cannot al...
称霸的英文:to dominate; to seek hegemony参考例句:We will never seek hegemony我们永远不称霸。We will never seek hegemony.我们永远也不称霸。China will never seek hegemony or power politics even when it becomes more developed and prosperous ...
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