陈皮牛肉的英文:Tangerine-Flavored Beeftangerine是什么意思:n. 柑橘;橘红色There is a tangerine there.那儿有个桔子。The tangerine crossed with the grapefruit produced the hybrid known as the tangelo.橘与葡萄柚杂交产生的品种称橘柚。determina...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
页岩气的英文:shale gas页岩气,是从页岩层中开采出来的天然气,是一种重要的非常规天然气资源。页岩气的形成和富集有着自身独特的特点,往往分布在盆地内厚度较大、分布广的页岩烃源岩地层中。参考例句:页岩气开采已成为全球资源开发的一个热点。Shale gas...
陈皮兔肉的英文:Tangerine-Flavored Rabbit Meattangerine是什么意思:n. 柑橘;橘红色There is a tangerine there.那儿有个桔子。The tangerine crossed with the grapefruit produced the hybrid known as the tangelo.橘与葡萄柚杂交产生的品种称橘柚。de...
页状构造的英文:sheet(slab)structuresheet是什么意思:n. 表格,单子;床单;一张,薄板,薄片;一大片v. 给...铺上被单;用裹尸布包裹;覆盖The rain down in sheets.大雨滂沱。This gives the sheet of newspaper a grain.这就使得报纸的纸张带有纹理。 L...
陈皮鸭脷的英文:fried duck tongues with tangerine peelfried是什么意思:adj. 油炸的French fries come with the hamburger.炸薯条与汉堡一起供给。The place stinks of fried onions.这个地方有股煎洋葱的刺鼻气味。The main dish is a fried steak.主菜....
夜12点抵达的英文:arrival at 12 p.m.arrival是什么意思:n. 到达;到来;到达者;;新生婴儿;出现They arrived at a bad time. 他们来得不是时候。Inevitably, the moment of reckoning arrived.无法逃避,算总账的时候终于来到了。 Her Highness arrived ...
陈情的英文:to state and plead参考例句:He represented to the court that the accused was very remorseful.他代被告向法庭陈情说被告十分懊悔.state是什么意思:n. 国家,政府;州,邦;情形,状态;心情adj. 国家的,政府的,州的;正式的,礼仪上的v. ...
夜班的英文:the night work shift参考例句:Unsocial hours,eg on night shifts非正常工作时间(如夜班).I used to eat out in the evenings when my parents were on night shifts.那时,逢到我父母上夜班,我就在外面吃晚饭。 For women workers pregnant f...
陈请的英文:petitionpetition是什么意思:n. 请愿;诉状;祈求v. 请求,恳求,请愿They petitioned the President.他们向总统请愿。It snowed petitions. 请愿书纷至沓来。 Do you have this in a petite?这个样子有小号的吗?They petitioned Parliament to...
夜不闭户的英文:law and order prevail参考例句:There’s no need to close doors at night夜不闭户law是什么意思:n. 法律;法规;法学;定律the spirit of the law.法律的实质 It is a law of creation.这是一条宇宙万物的法则。juggle with the law歪曲....
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