叶绿体的英文:chloroplast参考例句:The chloroplasts of plant cells are flattened structures averaging some 7 m in length and 3-4 m in width植物细胞叶绿体的结构是扁平的,平均长约7微米,宽3~4微米。Plant tissue consisting of parenchyma cells ...
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页面调度程序的英文:pagerpager是什么意思:页面调度程序无线传呼机A message was flashed on his pager.他的寻呼机上闪现着一个信息。 We offer a special instant replacement service for pagers.我们对传呼机提供快捷换货的特别服务。Recycled fibre: Se...
页签的英文:tabtab是什么意思:n. 标签,签条;账单,费用;选项卡;首行固定键位v. 把某人视为……,使用制表键Let's keep a tab on expenses.我们把各项费用都记录下来吧。You use two spaces for an indent, and you never use tabs.使用两个空格表示缩进...
陈皮红豆沙的英文:Orange Flavored Red Bean Pasteorange是什么意思:adj. 橙色的n. 桔子,橙;橙色There is a distinct smell of oranges in this room!这个房间里有明显的桔子味!Is it maize, red, or orange? 这个东西是黄色、红色,还是橙色的? It ha...
页数的英文:paginal numberpagination参考例句:Tom counted the pages of the sermon.汤姆计算着祷告词的页数。The New York's circulation remained the same but the number of all pages dropped disastrously《纽约人》的发行量依然如故,但页数却灾难....
陈皮牛肉的英文:Tangerine-Flavored Beeftangerine是什么意思:n. 柑橘;橘红色There is a tangerine there.那儿有个桔子。The tangerine crossed with the grapefruit produced the hybrid known as the tangelo.橘与葡萄柚杂交产生的品种称橘柚。determina...
页岩气的英文:shale gas页岩气,是从页岩层中开采出来的天然气,是一种重要的非常规天然气资源。页岩气的形成和富集有着自身独特的特点,往往分布在盆地内厚度较大、分布广的页岩烃源岩地层中。参考例句:页岩气开采已成为全球资源开发的一个热点。Shale gas...
陈皮兔肉的英文:Tangerine-Flavored Rabbit Meattangerine是什么意思:n. 柑橘;橘红色There is a tangerine there.那儿有个桔子。The tangerine crossed with the grapefruit produced the hybrid known as the tangelo.橘与葡萄柚杂交产生的品种称橘柚。de...
页状构造的英文:sheet(slab)structuresheet是什么意思:n. 表格,单子;床单;一张,薄板,薄片;一大片v. 给...铺上被单;用裹尸布包裹;覆盖The rain down in sheets.大雨滂沱。This gives the sheet of newspaper a grain.这就使得报纸的纸张带有纹理。 L...
陈皮鸭脷的英文:fried duck tongues with tangerine peelfried是什么意思:adj. 油炸的French fries come with the hamburger.炸薯条与汉堡一起供给。The place stinks of fried onions.这个地方有股煎洋葱的刺鼻气味。The main dish is a fried steak.主菜....
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2016年7月公布的AFP试题——金融理财基础(一) 582 KB下载数 88 下 载
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