要饭的英文:beg (for food or money)参考例句:Be reduced to begging,borrowing沦落到得要饭、借债You ought to beg, and not live with a gentleman's children. Go and stand by the door."你应该去要饭,不应该和我们这些大户人家的孩子们一起生活。走,...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
要命的英文:drive sb. to deathextremelybe annoying参考例句:A murderous exam.要命的考试。It itches terribly.痒得要命。She went bananas when she found him cheating.她发现他欺骗时气得要命。I'm tickled pink that my essay won the prize.我的文章...
要害的英文:a sore pointa sore spotkeytender placethe joint in sb's armourvitalswhere one lives参考例句:To hit the nail on the head(敲钉子敲在钉头上,引申为话说得中肯、正中要害、一针见血)。Have a person by the jugular扼住对方的要害The criti...
要目的英文:【医】 syllabus参考例句:A compendious writer,handbook,catalogue文笔简练的作家、简明手册、要目.Important items are multifarious要目繁多It is a new aesthetics activity characterized by interactivity and immersion.这是一种以交互为...
要好的英文:be on good terms参考例句:Melons taste better if they are chilled.冰镇的西瓜味道要好得多。The best of friends must part.最要好的朋友亦终须一别。It's better to dress up than dress down.打扮比不打扮要好。He needs good boots.他需要...
要钱的英文:tap参考例句:I hate my job but can't quit, as I need the money. I 'm on a sticky wicket.我讨厌我的工作,但又不能辞职,因为我需要钱。对我来说真是一个艰难的境况。She teased her mother to give her some money.她缠着妈妈要钱。A miser...
要好的的英文:palsywalsy参考例句:Melons taste better if they are chilled.冰镇的西瓜味道要好得多。The best of friends must part.最要好的朋友亦终须一别。It's better to dress up than dress down.打扮比不打扮要好。He needs good boots.他需要好靴...
要强的英文:eager to excel参考例句:Italy were definitely a better side than Germany.意大利队明显比德国队要强。She made a stouter resistance than the thief had anticipated.她的抵抗比强盗预料的要强。The Mark 4 gun is stronger than the old Ma...
要挟的英文:coerce; threaten参考例句:My landlord's threatening to put the rent up by 10 a week.我的房东要挟说要把每周租金提高10英镑.`Increase productivity or lose your jobs.' `That's blackmail!'`你们要提高生产率,不然就把你们解雇!'`这是....
成全的英文:help sb. to fulfill his wishes参考例句:Everything seemed to co-operate for her advantage仿佛一切因素都在协力成全她似的。help是什么意思:v. 帮助;促进;搀扶;擅自拿走;有用;救命n. 帮助;有帮助的人或物;有用;救助;仆人It helps ...