养成的英文:formacquirecultivate参考例句:Cultivate a habit养成一种习惯We should cultivate the good habits of diligence and frugality.我们要养成勤俭节约的好风气。They advise children to acquire hygienic habits.他们建议孩子们养成良好的卫生习...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
程序号的英文:n. program numberprogram是什么意思:n. 计划;方案;程序;节目单;节目,表演,演出;课程;纲领v. 为...制订计划;为(电脑)设计程序synergy program协同作用程序 Compiler is a program that translate a source program into an executa...
养分的英文:nutrient参考例句:Biological activity in a soil is influenced by nutrient status.生物的活动被土壤养分含量状况所制约。This is a soil with a lot of goodness in it.土壤含有大量的养分。Much of the goodness in food may is lose in coo...
誠意的英文:sincerity; good faith; sincere intention; singlenesssincerity是什么意思:n. 诚挚She‘s a sincere friend.她是位忠实的朋友。His sincereness moved me.他的真诚打动了我。Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends患难见真情.good是什么....
程序库的英文:librarylibrary是什么意思:n. 图书馆(室),资料室,个人收藏,文库The library identifier does not represent a valid library.库标识符没有表示一个有效的库。Visual Materials Library视觉资料室 There are different categories of book...
养护的英文:conserve; maintain参考例句:Convention for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna南部蓝鳍金枪鱼养护公约 Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna南部蓝鳍金枪鱼养护委员会 moist curing湿治,湿养护,湿润处理Slow, ca...
澄空的英文:a clear skyclear是什么意思:adj. 清澈的;清晰的;明确的;晴朗的,明亮的;无瑕疵的;畅通的adv. 清晰地;完全地v. 变清澈;使清楚;扫除,清除;清(嗓子);跳过,通过;结清;放晴attacking clear比较平直的高远球 clear an account结清帐....
程序漏洞的英文:bug with workaroundbug是什么意思:n. 虫子;故障,瑕疵,缺陷;细菌,病菌;窃听器v. 装窃听器;烦扰,打扰The room has been bugged.这房间装有窃听器。The bird caught a bug on the fly.那鸟在飞行中捉住了一只昆虫。insect | worm | bu...
养活的英文:(v) raise animals(v) feed and clothe参考例句:Mum's the bread-winner in our family.妈妈养活我们全家。That lazybones has been sponging off his brother for years.那个懒汉多年来一直靠兄弟养活他。He's got to keep his nose to the gri...
澄清的英文:settle out; clarifymake understandable; clarify; explainclarificationsettle参考例句:Clarification/9klArIfI5keIFn;9klArEfE`keFEn/n clarifying or being clarified澄清;被澄清Alum will settle turbid water. 明矾可以澄清浊水。Cold wa...