出苗的英文:emergeemergence of seedlings参考例句:emergence does not only depend on soil temperature but also a function of variety出苗不仅取决于土壤温度,而且还取决品种的特点。emerge是什么意思:v. 暴露;浮现;摆脱emergency panel备用配电盘 ...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
出外的英文:out参考例句:They shut off the gas and electricity in their house before leaving on holiday.他们出外度假之前把家中的煤气和电源关掉。Go for a blow出外吹吹风He goes for a blow.他走出外吹吹风。 Going out and working every day is no...
出苗率的英文:rate of emergencerate是什么意思:n. 比率,速率;费用v. 评估;认为;划分等级;值得cumulative rating累积收听率 These bonds have an AAA rating.这些债券的信用度是3A级的。To rate too low;underestimate.低估对…估价太低;低估 A Lump ...
出席的英文:attendbe present参考例句:scant attendance稀少的出席者An attendance monitor检查学生出席情况的班长In the evening the President met with the Executive Committee.这天傍晚,总统出席了执行委员会会议。Thirty-four members and nineteen ...
出名的英文:well-known (for)参考例句:Our school 's only famous for one thing: rugby.我们学校只有橄榄球出名Shun company [publicity, temptation]避开与人交往[出名,诱惑]The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do with...
出席费的英文:attendance feeattendance是什么意思:n. 出席,参加,到场;出席者,出席人数;出席率Attendance is obligatory. 出席是必须的。in attendance on a person随侍 [服侍] 某人 Everybody consciously attends to things and everything is atten...
出纳的英文:recieve and pay out money参考例句:The parsimony on receipts and expenditure出纳之吝The cashier was Martin’s black-beast, and his temper was a trifle short where the talker of platitudes was concerned.这位出纳是马丁的眼中钉,只...
出席人的英文:【计】 attendee参考例句:A register of attendance出席人名单Present: M. Valden (chairperson), R. baron, M. Frank, J. Guem, L. Kinslow (Secretary)出席人:M.瓦尔登(主持人),R.巴隆.M.弗兰克,J.盖恩,L.金斯诺(秘书)attendee是什么意思:...
出纳台的英文:circulation desk, delivery deskcirculation是什么意思:n. 血液循环;流通,传播;发行量Have you been circulated with details of the conference?你收到会议详情的通知了吗?circulate counterfeit coins使伪造的钱币流通 This magazine h...
出现的英文:appearariseemerge参考例句:The ship took on a dangerous cant to port.船只出现向左舷危险倾斜。The act of emerging;emergence.出现,浮现出现的行为;浮现Advertisements often contain catch phrases.广告中常出现妙句。Two men suddenly ap...